SB 640
Requires school districts and charter schools to adopt written policies governing students' use of electronic personal communications devices
LR Number:
Last Action:
1/28/2025 - S First Read
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2025

Current Bill Summary

SB 640 - Beginning in the 2026-27 school year, this act requires school districts and charter schools to adopt a written policy governing students' use of electronic personal communication devices. The policy shall be designed to promote students' educational interests and provide a safe and effective working environment for school staff.

At a minimum, the policy shall prohibit students from using devices during scheduled instructional activities, outline disciplinary actions for policy violations, and provide exceptions for device use in emergencies, for instructional purposes, or when authorized under federal law, as provided in the act. The policy shall be published on the school district or charter school website, and school employees or volunteers shall be protected from liability when acting in good faith and following the adopted procedures.

This act is identical to HB 306 (2025), HB 854 (2025), and HB 2889 (2024).



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