SB 666 - This act modifies provisions relating to mail sent by state entities.The act requires the executive director of the Missouri Ethics Commission to notify the candidate or treasurer of a campaign committee by any means, rather than just registered mail, if the committee has failed to file any campaign finance report required by Missouri law.
The act modifies the notice due to taxpayers in the case of a tax deficiency. For taxpayers other than individuals, a notice of deficiency shall be mailed by certified or registered mail to the taxpayer at his last known address or delivered electronically at the taxpayer's request. For taxpayers that are individuals, the notice of deficiency may be mailed by first-class mail or delivered electronically at the taxpayer’s request.
Pursuant to current law, any notice served on an applicant or recipient of a blind pension shall be sent by certified mail. This act repeals the requirement that the mail be sent certified, except in the case of notices of adverse actions being taken against the applicant or recipient.
This act is substantially similar to HB 520 (2025), SB 1134 (2024), HB 2585 (2024), HCS/SS/SB 378 (2023), HB 79 (2023), and the perfected HB 510 (2023).