SB 729 - This act requires each state department with oversight of an administrative entity to submit an annual report to the General Assembly detailing any administrative entity that has not convened a public meeting or conducted public business during the three year period ending on August 28th of such year.The act further repeals and reassigns duties for a number of administrative entities. The Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules is repealed and its duties assigned to the Department of Public Safety. The Board for Certification of Interpreters repealed and its duties assigned to the Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. The Life Sciences Research Board is repealed and its duties assigned the Department of Economic Development. The act repeals the Missouri Quality Home Care Council is repealed as well as all duties of the Council.
The act repeals the following entities: the AgriMissouri Advisory Commission for Marketing Missouri Agricultural Products; the Coordinating Board for Early Childhood; the Minority Environmental Literacy Advisory Committee; the Missouri Cybersecurity Commission; the Small Business Compliance Advisory Committee; and the Commission on the Special Health, Psychological and Social Needs of Minority Older Individuals.