SB 782
Modifies provisions relating to community improvement districts
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/26/2025 - S First Read
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2025

Current Bill Summary

SB 782 - Current law requires a petition for the creation of a community improvement district to be signed by more than fifty percent of all owners of real property within the boundaries of a district. This act provides that such requirement shall not apply if the district is to be designated as an entertainment district. An "entertainment district" is defined as an area located in the city of St. Louis, within the area locally known as the city's downtown or central business district, which contains a minimum of one hundred acres and a combination of entertainment venues, including, but not limited to, arenas, amusement centers, auditoriums, athletic facilities, bars, hotels, concert halls, convention facilities, music venues, nightclubs, restaurants, and other entertainment facilities. (Sections 67.1401 and 67.1421)

The act provides that any district which is an entertainment district shall have powers in addition to the powers currently granted to community improvement districts, including the ability to restrict or prohibit the carrying of weapons, to enforce curfews, and to hire and train public safety and security personnel to enforce the laws of the municipality and rules of the district. (Section 67.1461)

Finally, subject to appropriation, the act authorizes the Department of Economic Development to expend funds for the purpose of promoting, developing, and supporting entertainment tourism, as such term is defined in the act, within any entertainment district, and for which application is made and approved by the Department no later than August 28, 2027. Any annual expenditure by the Department for entertainment tourism shall be limited to a portion of tax revenues derived directly or indirectly from any such promotion, development, and support of entertainment tourism supported by such annual expenditure within the designated entertainment district, as stated in an agreement entered into between the district and the Department. The term of state appropriations under any such agreement shall not exceed twenty-seven years, and the annual amount of the state appropriation authorized under the act shall not exceed $2.5 million per year for any fiscal year ending on or before June 30, 2031, and $4.5 million per year for any fiscal year thereafter. No such appropriation shall be made prior to July 1, 2026.

Any promotion, development, and support of entertainment tourism shall be determined to produce a positive net fiscal impact for the state over the term of the agreement, with such public or private assurances as the Department may reasonably require.

The Department shall make an annual report to the Governor and the General Assembly within ninety days of the end of each fiscal year detailing whether such promotion, development, and support of entertainment tourism produced a positive net fiscal impact for the state in the prior fiscal year and projecting the overall net fiscal impact to the state over the term of such agreement.



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