SB 792
Creates and modifies provisions relating to school safety
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/27/2025 - S First Read
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2025

Current Bill Summary

SB 792 - This act creates and modifies provisions relating to school safety.


(Section 160.665)

Under this act, any employee of a school district or charter school, rather than only teachers and administrators in school districts, may be designated as school protection officers.

The act adds sprays emitting a projectile to the list of self-defense devices that may be carried by a school protection officer.

If an employee requests to be designated as a school protection officer, the school board of the school district or governing board of the charter school shall promptly hold a public hearing and determine by a vote at the hearing whether to allow such designation, rather than only holding a public hearing on the subject. The school board or governing board shall also hold a closed meeting and determine by a vote at the closed meeting whether to authorize the designated school protection officer to carry a concealed firearm or self-defense spray device, regardless of whether the employee specifically requested authorization to carry a concealed firearm or self-defense spray device in his or her request for designation as a school protection officer.

Each school board of a school district and governing board of a charter school shall hold a public hearing on whether to implement a school protection officer program and determine by a vote at the hearing whether to implement such a program. Any school board or governing board that approves a school protection officer program shall notify all employees of the school district or charter school of the program and the option to request designation as a school protection officer.

This provision is similar to a provision in HB 2662 (2018).


(Section 170.315)

The act modifies provisions of the Active Shooter and Intruder Response Training for Schools Program (ASIRT).

By July 1, 2026, each school district and charter school shall train teachers and employees on how to respond to students who provide information about a threatening situation and how to address situations where there is a potentially dangerous or armed intruder in the school. ASIRT training shall, rather than "may", include information and techniques on how to address situations where an active shooter is present in the school or on the property.

Each school district and charter school shall, rather than "may", conduct ASIRT training annually. If no formal training has previously occurred, the length of the training may be "up to" eight hours, rather than eight hours. The length of annual continuing training may be "up to" four hours, rather than four hours.


(Section 590.205)

The act provides that the Director of the Department of Public Safety shall allow private companies to serve as training centers and operate training programs for school protection officers. Additionally, the Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Commission shall establish requirements for the continuing education of all school protection officers. All school protection officers shall annually receive 20 hours of firearms skill development training. Additionally, at least twice per year, all school protection officers shall participate in a joint training on school protection with a local law enforcement agency.



No Amendments Found.