SB 816
Modifies provisions relating to the issuances of medical standing orders and recommendations
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/27/2025 - S First Read
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2025

Current Bill Summary

SB 816 - Under this act, the chief medical officer of the Department of Health and Senior Services, the chief medical director of the Department of Mental Health, or a licensed physician acting with the express written consent of the Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services, the Director of the Department of Mental Health, or the Director of the MO HealthNet Division within the Department of Social Services may issue the following: (1) a nonspecific recommendation of doula services, (2) a medical standing order for prenatal vitamins, or (3) a medical standing order for any other purpose determined in rule, except for those relating to controlled substances. Any standing orders shall be posted on the agency's website while in effect, terminate upon the vacancy of the position of the issuing medical professional, and expire within one year of issuance, unless renewed.

Additionally, the chief medical officer or chief medical director shall be immune from criminal prosecution, professional disciplinary actions, and civil liability for issuing the standing order or recommendation or for any outcome related to the standing order or recommendation.



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