SB 589
Modifies provisions relating to civil actions for childhood sexual abuse, including the statute of limitations for such actions
LR Number:
Last Action:
3/13/2025 - Second Read and Referred S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2025

Current Bill Summary

SB 589 - Currently, a civil action for recovery of damages suffered as a result of childhood sexual abuse shall be brought within ten years after the victim reaches the age of twenty-one or within three years of the victim discovering that the injury or illness was caused by childhood sexual abuse, whichever is later. This act provides that a civil action for recovery of damages suffered as a result of childhood sexual abuse or tortious conduct that caused the victim to be a victim of childhood sexual abuse may be commenced at any time. This provision shall apply to any action commenced on or after August 28, 2025, including those that would have been barred by the application of the statute of limitations prior to August 28, 2025. Furthermore, this act modifies the actions and offenses included in the definition of "childhood sexual abuse".

This act is similar to a provision in SB 831 (2024), SB 1063 (2024), in SB 1092 (2024), SB 416 (2023), HB 367 (2023), in HB 1139 (2023), and SB 1084 (2022).



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