SB 654 - This act establishes the "Missouri Student Responsibility and Teacher Empowerment Act", which requires public schools and charter schools to adopt, publicly post, and annually review a code of student conduct consistent with moral responsibility, community standards, and respect for school authority. The act defines "moral responsibility" as the understanding and appreciation of concepts such as honesty, respect for authority, courtesy, personal diligence, and adherence to local community standards. "Community standards" includes values reflecting respect for lawful authority, personal accountability, courtesy, and cooperation, as supported by parents, teachers, and local stakeholders.
The code of student conduct shall include certain provisions outlined in the act, such as reinforcing respect for teachers and promoting values such as honesty and civility, as well as including measures to correct disruptive behavior. The code shall outline a system of graduated consequences for misconduct and require parental notification and involvement in significant disciplinary actions. The code shall also prohibit any policy or program that differentiates treatment of students based on race or other immutable characteristics.
Teachers shall have the authority to remove a student from the classroom for substantially disruptive behavior. Each school district or charter school shall ensure that teachers and staff are trained in methods to maintain order, encourage compliance, and foster respect, as provided in the act.
Nothing in the act shall be construed to infringe upon parents' rights to be informed and involved in decisions relating to their child's education and conduct. However, within the classroom, teachers shall serve as the appointed authority figure to maintain an environment conducive to learning.
School districts and charter schools shall promptly notify parents or legal guardians of any serious disciplinary incidents involving their child and shall offer a meeting or conference to discuss the student's behavior and outline steps for correction. School districts and charter schools may facilitate parental engagement through regular communication, opportunities to review the student code of conduct, or the provision of resources that support values set forth in the act.
School districts and charter schools may, at their discretion and with school board or governing board approval, incorporate evidence-based training for teachers and school counselors on strategies to guide students toward personal resilience. The act defines "personal resilience" as the ability to adapt to challenging situations, regulate personal behavior, and develop respectful relationships, cultivated through approaches aligned with community standards. The content and method of delivery of any strategies to develop students' personal resilience may include certain components specified in the act, but shall not reference or require any training or curriculum primarily focused on classifications such as race or gender. Instead, the content and method of delivery shall emphasize universal community standards that benefit all students equally.
School boards and governing boards shall periodically review the effectiveness of the code of student conduct, ensuring alignment with the district's or charter school's educational goals, parental expectations, and the principles set forth in the act. School boards and governing boards may refine and strengthen disciplinary policies as needed, provided that any changes remain consistent with the provisions of the act.
All school districts and charter schools shall adopt and enforce a code of student conduct as provided in the act no later than August 28, 2026. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education may offer guidance and technical assistance to school districts and charter schools, provided that such assistance shall not impose undue burdens or mandates.