SB 655
Modifies provisions relating to abuse and neglect reporting, including a requirement to report companion animal abuse
LR Number:
Last Action:
1/29/2025 - S First Read
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2025

Current Bill Summary

SB 655 - This act requires animal control officers and animal humane investigators to be mandated reporters in cases of abuse and neglect of children, the elderly, and other vulnerable persons. Additionally, animal control officers and animal humane investigators shall be required to receive one hour of training within the first 60 days of employment to recognize the signs of abuse or neglect in children, the elderly, and vulnerable persons.

This act creates a mandated reporting requirement for certain mental health, educational, protective services, and law enforcement personnel to report cases of animal abuse or neglect to a hotline established by the Missouri Animal Control Association (MACA). MACA shall provide the report of abuse or neglect to any duly-authorized law enforcement official, county or municipal animal control officer, or animal cruelty investigator. If the mandated reporter is an employee of an agency or political subdivision of the state and fails to make a report as required under this provision, the employer shall send a written notice to the employee noting the failure and providing a reminder of the requirements of reporting animal abuse or neglect. Additionally, a mandated reporter who fails to make a report shall be subject to discipline by his or her professional licensing board, as well as a fine, as described in the act.

Finally, protective services employees with direct contact with children, the elderly, and vulnerable persons shall be required to receive one hour of training within the first 60 days of employment to recognize the signs of abuse or neglect in animals.

This act is identical to SB 65 (2025) and substantially similar to SB 995 (2024), SB 1259 (2024), SB 91 (2023), and SB 1182 (2022).



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