SB 473
Modifies provisions relating to reporting requirements of law enforcement agencies
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/27/2025 - Second Read and Referred S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2025

Current Bill Summary

SB 473 - Under current law, the Department of Public Safety collects and compiles certain data relating to crimes and public safety.

This act provides that beginning January 1, 2026, the Department of Public Safety shall publish clearance rates which shall include the rate at which law enforcement agencies clear an offense by arrest or by exceptional means, as defined in the act.

This act also creates the "Missouri Violent Crime Clearance Grant Program" within the Department of Public Safety which shall be used to improve law enforcement strategies and initiatives aimed at increasing violent crime clearance rates, as provided in the act. In awarding grants, the Department shall give priority to law enforcement agencies with consistent public reporting of low clearance rates, that demonstrate a commitment to working with organizations to reduce violent crime rates, and agencies who have developed specific goals and performance metrics. All law enforcement agencies that receive funding shall report to the Department as provided in the act.



No Amendments Found.