Bills assigned to Economic and Workforce Development


SB 8 Bernskoetter Modifies the duration of unemployment benefits based on the unemployment rate
SB 12 Hough Authorizes income tax deductions for educators and first responders
SB 35 Roberts Establishes the Revitalizing Missouri Downtowns and Main Streets Act
SB 37 Washington Authorizes a sales tax exemption for feminine hygiene products
SB 57 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to sales tax exemptions
SB 64 McCreery Modifies the Senior Citizens Property Tax Relief Credit
SB 67 Henderson Modifies provisions relating to tax credits
SB 85 Nicola Prohibits the use of artificial intelligence in the assessment of property
SB 87 Nicola Reduces the assessment percentage for real property
SB 95 Lewis Modifies provisions relating to tax incentives for certain hygiene products