First Regular Session


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SB 634-Brown (16)
Repeals the prohibition on the State Lottery offering games based on the outcome of sporting events

SB 635-Gregory (21)
Modifies the "Health Professional Student Loan Repayment Program"

SB 636-Gregory (21)
Modifies provisions relating to background checks for certain applicants of agencies, boards, and commissions

SB 637-Roberts
Modifies provisions relating to admission fees on excursion gambling boats

SB 638-Brattin
Modifies provisions relating to child custody arrangements

SB 639-Henderson
Adds Teachers of Tomorrow to the list of certificating entities from which the State Board of Education shall accept a teacher's credentials

SB 640-Henderson
Requires school districts and charter schools to adopt written policies governing students' use of electronic personal communications devices

SB 641-May
Creates provisions regulating intoxicating cannabinoids

SB 642-Hudson
Requires all orientation and training programs for school board members to be approved by the State Board of Education

SB 643-Hudson
Requires school districts and charter schools to display the Ten Commandments in every building and classroom under their jurisdiction

SB 644-Crawford
Modifies procedure for requesting audits of political subdivisions

SB 645-Schroer
Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle inspections

SB 646-Carter
Creates an income tax credit for certain dependents

SB 647-Trent
Enacts provisions relating to peer-to-peer car sharing

SB 648-Trent
Establishes the Restoring Artistic Protection Act, which provides for the admissibility of evidence of a defendant's creative or artistic expression

SB 649-Trent
Modifies provisions relating to the taxability of certain deferred compensation plans

SB 650-Gregory (15)
Exempts certain professions from income tax

SB 651-Gregory (15)
Exempts persons aged sixty-five or older from income tax

SB 652-Gregory (15)
Exempts state and public institution purchases under $600 from the requirement to be purchased from Missouri Vocational Enterprises

SB 653-Cierpiot
Modifies provisions relating to the expenses incurred for the regulation of public utilities

SB 654-Burger
Creates the "Missouri Student Responsibility and Teacher Empowerment Act" requiring school districts and charter schools to adopt, publicly post, and annually review a code of student conduct

SB 655-Burger
Modifies provisions relating to abuse and neglect reporting, including a requirement to report companion animal abuse

SB 656-Bean
Establishes the Rural Workforce Housing Investment Act

SB 657-Crawford
Creates new provisions relating to banks that secure public funds

SB 658-Crawford
Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of estates and trusts

SB 659-Webber
Authorizes a state and local sales tax exemption for food

SB 660-Williams
Modifies provisions relating to dissolution of marriage or legal separation and pregnancy status

SB 661-Williams
Establishes the Restoring Artistic Protection Act, which provides for the admissibility of evidence of a defendant's creative or artistic expression

SB 662-Brattin
Modifies provisions relating to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

SB 663-Brattin
Provides that state capitol access keys or key cards shall be provided to spouses and children of members of the General Assembly upon written request of the member

SB 664-Brattin
Establishes the "Veterans Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment and Recovery Act"

SB 665-Nicola
Prohibits certain corporations from acquiring residential real estate in this state

SB 666-Crawford
Modifies provisions relating to mail sent by state entities

SB 667-Henderson
Modifies provisions relating to workers' compensation

SB 668-Hudson
Repeals concurrent jurisdiction with the federal government over the "Ozark National Scenic Riverways".

SB 669-Gregory (15)
Creates the offense of interference with a first responder

SB 670-Gregory (15)
Reinstates the Presidential Preference Primary Election

SB 671-Gregory (15)
Modifies provisions relating to tax incentives for certain hygiene products

SB 672-Gregory (15)
Enacts the "Alexander Whalen Safe Highways Act" pertaining to wrong-way vehicle detection systems

SB 673-Gregory (21)
Designates the city of Waverly as the apple capital of Missouri

SB 674-Gregory (21)
Designates the city of Concordia as the patriotic mural city of Missouri

SB 675-Gregory (15)
Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program

SB 676-Schroer
Modifies provisions relating to certain convention and sports facility authorities

SB 677-Hudson
Modifies provisions relating to alternative county highway commissions

SB 678-Hudson
Modifies provisions relating to appropriation allotments made to state departments

SB 679-Nurrenbern
Modifies provisions relating to the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority

SB 680-Carter
Requires dental plans to report certain information to the Department of Commerce and Insurance and provide rebates to enrollees under certain circumstances

SB 681-Carter
Modifies provisions relating to tax credits for contributions to pregnancy resource centers

SB 682-Hudson
Modifies provisions relating to an income tax deduction for certain farmers

SB 683-Beck
Prohibits certain corporations from acquiring residential real estate in this state

SB 684-Bernskoetter
Creates exemptions for seasonal and small businesses

SB 685-Brown (16)
Modifies provisions relating to home health agencies

SB 686-Carter
Establishes provisions allowing for freestanding claims of actual innocence

SB 687-Hudson
Requires the expiration of administrative rules unless promulgated again by a state agency

SB 688-Lewis
Authorizes a state sales tax exemption for food

SB 689-Coleman
Modifies provisions relating to inspections of certain long-term care facilities

SB 690-Gregory (21)
Establishes provisions relating to proprietary schools

SB 691-May
Modifies provisions relating to the redaction of certain information on court records

SB 692-May
Modifies provisions relating to the payment of restitution for eligibility of an expungement

SB 693-May
Prohibits the establishment of new charter schools in St. Louis City beginning August 28, 2025

SB 694-May
Modifies provisions relating to the elder abuse and neglect hotline

SB 695-Nurrenbern
Establishes "Brennan's Law" and modifies and repeals provisions relating to mental health efforts in public schools

SB 696-Lewis, et al
Modifies provisions relating to abortion

SB 697-Henderson
Creates provisions relating to hemp businesses

SB 698-Moon
Requires school districts to establish a policy allowing students to be excused from class to receive religious or moral instruction off school property

SB 699-Moon
Modifies provisions relating to the classification of certain real property

SB 700-Moon
Lowers from 19 to 18 the age at which a person can obtain a concealed carry permit, and makes a corresponding change to the offense of unlawful use of weapons

SB 701-Moon
Repeals a vehicle weight limitation on eligibility for a partial motor fuel tax refund

SB 702-Brattin
Establishes the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act"

SB 703-Burger
Creates a new exemption from the earned paid sick time law

SB 704-Nicola
Modifies provisions relating to child protection, including child abuse and endangering a child

SB 705-Lewis
Modifies the expiration date of the waiver of the working after retirement limitations for substitute teaching

SB 706-Hudson
Provides liability protections for charitable organizations making good faith disclosures of sexual abuse

SB 707-Hudson, et al
Prohibits the use of pesticides originating in the People's Republic of China

SB 708-Black
Modifies the expiration date of the waiver of the working after retirement limitations for substitute teaching

SB 709-Black
Modifies the total cost of living adjustments for members of the Public School Retirement System and the Public Education Employee Retirement System

SB 710-Nurrenbern
Modifies provisions relating to sports complex authorities

SB 711-Nicola
Provides that motorcycles may use any color auxiliary lighting, rather than only amber and white

SB 712-Nicola
Modifies provisions relating to delinquent property taxes

SB 713-Gregory (21)
Modifies provisions relating to sports complex authorities

SB 714-Gregory (21)
Modifies provisions relating to voting qualifications

SB 715-Gregory (21)
Modifies provisions relating to port authorities

SB 716-Fitzwater
Creates the "Missouri Disabled Veterans' Dependents Tuition Waiver" to provide college tuition waivers for the children, stepchildren, and spouses of certain veterans

SB 717-Trent
Removes availability of attorney fees under the Missouri Human Rights Act when a public employer is involved

SB 718-Roberts
Creates provisions relating to the use of restraints on a child in juvenile court

SB 719-Coleman
Provides that transportation network companies shall not be held vicariously liable based on reasons specified in the act, provided certain conditions are met

SB 720-Coleman
Requires the Commissioner of Administration to report on state property that have been abandoned and authorizes the Governor to convey such properties

SB 721-Coleman
Requires state departments to identify administrative entities that are obsolete

SB 722-Coleman
Modifies provisions relating to funds in the state treasury

SB 723-Coleman
Modifies provisions relating to unused tax credits

SB 724-Coleman
Modifies provisions regarding hospital pricing practices

SB 725-Coleman
Modifies provisions relating to delinquent property taxes

SB 726-Henderson
Limits the sale or purchase of certain drugs

SB 727-Hudson
Provides the venue for cases against prosecuting attorneys and the Attorney General

SB 728-Coleman
Establishes a right of appeal for the Attorney General for preliminary injunctions on Missouri law

SB 729-Coleman
Requires state departments to report on obsolete administrative entities, repeals certain administrative entities and repeals and reassigns duties for certain other administrative entities

SB 730-Schroer
Establishes a right of appeal for the Attorney General for preliminary injunctions on Missouri law

SB 731-Webber
Authorizes an income tax deduction for first responders

SB 732-Webber
Modifies provisions relating to unlawful discriminatory practices

SB 733-Webber
Modifies provisions relating to long-term care facilities

SB 734-Webber
Authorizes a state sales tax exemption for food

SB 735-Brown (16)
Temporarily extends the hours during which liquor may be sold by the drink

SB 736-Brown (16)
Allows vehicles to exceed weight limits by up to 10% in certain circumstances

SB 737-Henderson
Modifies the appointment of teacher representatives to the State Board of Education

SB 738-Nurrenbern
Establishes provisions relating to the issuance of professional and occupational licenses to certain individuals with federal employment authorizations

SB 739-Schnelting
Creates the Missouri Religious Freedom Protection Act

SB 740-Schnelting
Modifies process for designating election challengers

SB 741-Schroer
Modifies provisions relating to the appointment of counsel for postconviction relief of sentences of death

SB 742-Schroer
Provides for the county prosecuting attorney system to be converted to a circuit court district attorney system

SB 743-Brown (16)
Establishes the "Missouri Building Codes Act"

SB 744-Schroer
Permits over-the-counter purchase of ivermectin and hydroxycholorquine tablets without a prescription

SB 745-Burger
Provides for the distribution of certain moneys for a memorial or museum dedicated to veterans in Perry County

SB 746-Schnelting
Prohibits the use of pesticides originating in the People's Republic of China

SB 747-Schnelting
Modifies provisions relating to civil actions for childhood sexual abuse, including the statute of limitations for such actions

SB 748-Carter
Creates provisions relating to certain information provided by the Department of Agriculture

SB 749-Crawford
Authorizes the city of Nevada to impose a sales tax for public safety

SB 750-McCreery
Creates new provisions establishing bereavement leave

SB 751-McCreery
Creates new provisions relating to leave from employment

SB 752-Gregory (21)
Temporarily extends the hours during which liquor may be sold by the drink

SB 753-Hough
Modifies provisions relating to the distribution of certain wine excise tax revenues

SB 754-Carter
Designates "Missouri" as the official state promotional song

SB 755-Carter
Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons

SB 756-Coleman
Creates provisions relating to regulation of online content involving minors

SB 757-Coleman
Repeals expired, terminated, sunset, and obsolete sections, and portions of sections, of law

SB 758-Beck
Modifies the liability of employers

SB 759-Brown (26)
Modifies provisions relating to erroneous property classifications

SB 760-Burger
Creates a provision relating to the sale of wood products

SB 761-Hudson
Modifies provisions relating to commercial activity

SB 762-Cierpiot
Modifies provisions relating to marijuana facility licenses

SB 763-Nicola
Adds provisions relating to abortifacient drugs

SB 764-Nicola
Establishes provisions relating to adult cabaret performances, including the offense of engaging in an adult cabaret performance

SB 765-Nicola
Prohibits obscene or harmful materials from being accessible to minors in public schools and charter schools

SB 766-Lewis
Creates provisions relating to communication access services

SB 767-Moon
Establishes provisions relating to active duty combat deployment by the United States Congress for the Missouri National Guard

SB 768-Moon
Modifies provisions relating to the restoration of the right to possess a firearm

SB 769-Moon
Establishes procedures for entering into and dissolving covenant marriages

SB 770-Moon
Modifies provisions relating to emergency powers

SB 771-Moon
Prohibits the enforcement of any federal regulation by a state department or agency until the enforcement is approved by the General Assembly

SB 772-Moon
Modifies provisions relating to the acquisition of land by the U.S. government

SB 773-Moon
Authorizes a sales tax refund for certain taxpayers audited by the Department of Revenue

SB 774-Moon
Enacts provisions relating exemptions from motor fuel tax

SB 775-Moon
Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and specifies an expiration date for the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

SB 776-Gregory (21)
Modifies provisions relating to water projects constructed by certain cities

SB 777-Mosley
Designates June 17th of each year as "Neighborhood Gun Violence Prevention Day" in honor of Preston Ja'mon "Tink" Jones, Sr

SB 778-Trent
Creates criminal offenses relating to drug-free homeless service zones

SB 779-Trent
Creates new provisions governing virtual currency

SB 780-Black
Modifies provisions relating to a property tax credit for certain seniors

SB 781-Black
Requires school districts and charter schools to provide panic alert technology to school personnel

SB 782-Roberts
Modifies provisions relating to community improvement districts

SB 783-Lewis
Requires child care facilities to adopt allergy policies

SB 784-Henderson
Modifies provisions relating to the classification of certain real property

SB 785-Hudson
Modifies provisions relating to catalytic converters

SB 786-Nicola
Modifies provisions relating top property taxes

SB 787-Nicola
Modifies provisions relating to notifications for increased property assessments

SB 788-Bernskoetter
Authorizes the closure of records relating to the known location of certain plant and animal species

SB 789-Fitzwater
Allows for OA., FMDC to enter into master agreements

SB 790-Gregory (21)
Repeals The Missouri Economic Diversification and Afforestation Act of 1990

SB 791-Henderson
Establishes provisions requiring health care facilities to display certain signs

SB 792-Brattin
Creates and modifies provisions relating to school safety

SB 793-Brattin
Requires school districts to include the amount expended for legal services in their Annual Secretary of the Board Report

SB 794-Brattin
Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings, including intervention in actions involving abortion and the composition of the Western and Southern Districts of the Court of Appeals

SB 795-Brattin
Modifies provisions relating to the State Tax Commission's ratio studies

SB 796-Brattin
Requires school districts and charter schools to notify parents about the use of tutoring programs or services at least half-owned by entities outside the United States

SB 797-Schroer
Modifies provisions relating to regional planning commissions

SB 798-Schroer
Designates every October 16th as "Michael Collins Day" in Missouri in honor of Michael Collins, an Irish revolutionary, soldier, and politician

SB 799-Schroer
Designates every August 19th as "Eddie Gaedel Day" in Missouri

SB 800-May
Allows the circuit court of St. Louis City to collect a civil case filing fee of an amount not to exceed $20, rather than $15, for certain uses, including the maintenance of a law library

SB 801-Brown (16)
Enacts provisions relating to visual obstructions at railroad crossings

SB 802-Hudson
Establishes the "Missouri Healthy Schools Act" and prohibits public schools from serving, selling, or allowing a third party to sell ultraprocessed food during the school day

SB 803-Hudson
Establishes provisions relating to abortion pill awareness signs

SB 804-Beck
Modifies provisions relating to sales tax receipts

SB 805-Nurrenbern
Modifies provisions relating to child custody

SB 806-Bernskoetter
Modifies provisions relating to patient medical records

SB 807-Bernskoetter
Modifies provisions relating to sales and use tax

SB 808-O'Laughlin
Modifies provisions relating to economic development

SB 809-Carter
Modifies provisions relating to juvenile detention centers

SB 810-Carter
Modifies provisions relating to the duties of county treasurers

SB 811-Carter
Specifies that prior authorizations for drugs prescribed to manage a chronic condition shall not be revoked or modified within 13 months

SB 812-Carter
Requires school districts to give physical education credit to students who complete yardwork for elderly persons or individuals with disabilities

SB 813-Black
Modifies provisions relating to ambulance districts

SB 814-May
Modifies provisions relating to election of circuit and associate circuit judges

SB 815-Williams
Repeals certain provisions relating to the Radioactive Waste Investigation Fund

SB 816-McCreery
Modifies provisions relating to the issuances of medical standing orders and recommendations

SB 817-McCreery
Authorizes a tax credit for certain charitable donations

SB 818-Washington
Modifies continuing education requirements of peace officers

SB 819-Washington
Authorizes a sales tax exemption for feminine hygiene products

SB 820-Washington
Designates the Kansas City Chiefs as the official professional football team of the state of Missouri

SB 821-Washington
Temporarily extends the hours during which liquor may be sold by the drink

SB 822-Washington
Establishes the Missouri Entertainment Facility - Capital Assistance Program

SB 823-Washington
Requires the agricultural education pilot program to be implemented at all elementary schools statewide

SB 824-Mosley
Enacts provisions relating to insurance coverage of genetic screenings for cancer risk

SB 825-Gregory (21)
Designates the Kansas City Chiefs as the official professional football team of the state of Missouri

SB 826-Gregory (21)
Modifies provisions relating to determinations of fault in tort actions

SB 827-Gregory (21)
Modifies provisions relating to public contracts

SB 828-Gregory (21)
Enacts provisions relating to medical testing

SB 829-Gregory (21)
Allows the Department of Economic Development to publish certain reports on its website

SB 830-Bean
Modifies provisions relating to ketamine

SB 831-Fitzwater
Provides that local taxes and fees on motor fuel shall expire five years after enactment unless reauthorized by a two-thirds vote of the political subdivision

SB 832-Black
Modifies provisions relating to collaborative practice arrangements

SB 833-Luetkemeyer
Designates the Heart of America Bridge in Kansas City as the "Sam Graves Heart of America Bridge"


HB 660-Keathley
Modifies provisions relating to certain special taxing districts

HCS for HB 798
Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 563-Boggs
Creates provisions relating to hunting permits for landowners

HB 754-Oehlerking
Modifies standards for certain financial organizations

HCS for HB 73
Specifies that certain residency requirements of a city of the fourth classification may be satisfied by certain conditions

HCS for HB 711
Establishes transfer procedures to nonresident districts for students in public schools

HCS for HB 1464
Modifies and establishes provisions relating to the protection of children and vulnerable persons

HCS for HB 607
Relating to elementary and secondary education

HCS for HB 615
Modifies and establishes provisions relating to judicial proceedings

HCS for HBs 799, 334, 424 & 1069
Relating to Motor Vehicles

HB 903-West
Reduces the assessment percentage of tangible personal property over a period of years

HCS for HBs 974, 57, 1032 & 1141
Establishes provisions relating to insurance for certain uses of motor vehicles

HB 618-Stinnett
Creates provisions relating to prior authorization of health care services

HCS for HB 1259
Modifies provisions relating to civil jurisprudence

HCS for HB 331
Establishes the "Career-Tech Certificate (CTC) Program"

HCS for HB 32
Lowers the age for adult high schools from 21 to 18

HCS for HB 87
Modifies provisions relating to driving while intoxicated

HB 419-Mayhew
Clarifies that military personnel are eligible for in-state tuition for undergraduate and graduate degree programs


1. SB 61-Brown (26)
Modifies provisions relating to temporary licensure for individuals with work experiences in certain occupations and professions in other jurisdictions

2. SB 54-Schroer, with SCS
Creates provisions relating to cannabis

3. SB 190-Brown (16)
Establishes tax credits for certain engineering degrees

4. SB 23-Brattin, with SCS
Modifies provisions relating to additional protections to bear arms

5. SB 152-Brown (26)
Creates new provisions relating to foreign spending in state ballot measure elections

6. SBs 101 & 64-Cierpiot, with SCS
Modifies the Senior Citizens Property Tax Relief Credit

7. SJR 62-Cierpiot
Modifies provisions relating to property taxes

8. SB 225-Coleman
Modifies provisions relating to jury instructions for the offense of murder in the first degree

9. SB 223-Coleman
Establishes provisions relating to student surveys

10. SB 45-Fitzwater and Carter
Enacts provisions relating to payments for prescription drugs

11. SB 99-Crawford, with SCS
Creates new provisions to prevent fraudulent activity on bank accounts

12. SB 230-Brown (26)
Enacts provisions relating to prior authorization of health care services

13. SB 185-Cierpiot
Authorizes a sales tax exemption for certain broadband equipment

14. SB 485-Schroer
Moves school board elections to the November general election

15. SB 266-Fitzwater
Establishes provisions relating to assessment of virtual school students

16. SB 360-Carter
Creates the Education Freedom Act and modifies provisions relating to the assessment of public elementary and secondary schools

17. SBs 166 & 155-Gregory (21), with SCS
Requires public schools to develop cardiac emergency response plans

18. SB 80-Gregory (21), with SCS
Modifies provisions relating to compensation of high school athletes

19. SB 69-Henderson
Modifies provisions of the Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer Act

20. SJR 46-Carter and Fitzwater
Authorizes a property tax exemption for disabled veterans

21. SB 120-Bean
Modifies provisions relating to the expenditure of moneys in certain funds by the Department of Natural Resources

22. SB 133-Fitzwater, with SCS
Modifies and creates new provisions relating to underground facilities

23. SJR 40-Carter, et al, with SCS
Modifies provisions relating to sheriffs

24. SB 104-Bernskoetter, with SCS
Modifies provisions relating to local taxing jurisdictions

25. SB 271-Black, with SCS
Modifies provisions relating to fire protection ordinances

26. SB 217-Black, with SCS
Modifies provisions relating to foreign ownership of agricultural land

27. SB 240-Burger
Modifies provisions relating to state funds for regional planning commissions

28. SB 506-Schroer
Amends Supreme Court Rule 15.05 relating to continuing legal education requirements for lawyers

29. SB 196-Moon
Establishes the penalty of death for certain sexual offenses

30. SB 100-Cierpiot
Modifies provisions relating to amending birth certificates

31. SB 83-Burger, with SCS
Modifies provisions relating to child protection

32. SB 85-Nicola, with SCS
Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of property



SB 5-Cierpiot
Modifies and creates new provisions relating to utilities

SB 6-Cierpiot
Modifies and creates new provisions relating to electric utilities

SB 8-Bernskoetter
Modifies the duration of unemployment benefits based on the unemployment rate

SB 14-Brown (16)
Creates a provision relating to pesticide labeling requirements

SB 31-Beck
Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractors Licensing Act

SB 46-Trent and Coleman
Authorizes an income tax deduction for capital gains

SBs 52 & 44-Schroer and Carter, with SCS, SS for SCS & SA 3 (pending)
Modifies provisions relating public safety

SB 58-Carter and Moon, with SCS
Creates new provisions relating to illegal immigrants

SB 62-Brown (26), with SCS
Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 77-Schnelting, et al, with SS, SA 1 & SA 1 to SA 1 (pending)
Modifies provisions relating to the carrying of firearms on public transit systems

SB 79-Gregory (21)
Specifies that certain contracts for health care benefits provided by qualified membership organizations to their members shall not be considered insurance under the laws of this state

SB 84-Burger
Creates the offense of tampering with an election official

SB 87-Nicola, with SCS, SS for SCS & SA 1 (pending)
Reduces the assessment percentage for residential real property

SB 107-Brown (16)
Modifies provisions relating to peer review committees

SBs 215 & 70-Trent, with SCS
Creates, modifies, and repeals provisions relating to student transfers to nonresident districts


HCS for HBs 594 & 508, with SA 1 (pending) (Trent)
Authorizes an income tax deduction for capital gains


Senate Bills

Reported 3/13

SB 110-May and Williams, with SCS
Designates January 5 of each year as "Kappa Alpha Psi Week" in Missouri

SB 111-May
Designates September as "Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month"

SB 348-Fitzwater, with SCS
Enacts provisions relating to state designations

SB 125-Roberts
Modifies eligibility for appropriations from the Waterways and Ports Trust Fund

SB 189-Brown (16)
Adds vehicles operated by county or municipal park rangers to the definition of "emergency vehicle"

SB 396-Brown (26)
Authorizes the board of trustees of a consolidated public library district to change the dates of the fiscal year


SR 18-May
Modifies Senate Rule 29 regarding seniority for assignment of Senate offices, seats in the Senate chamber, and parking spaces

SR 32-Moon
Modifies Senate Rule 96 to provide that, no later than March 1, 2025, the Senate shall provide an audio and video feed of its proceedings on the website of the Senate

SR 39-Nurrenbern
Makes technical changes to the description of the President Pro Tem of the Senate in Senate Rules 10, 13, and 29