HB 0333 Assistive Device Lemon Law
Sponsor:BARNES Handling House Bill:WIGGINS
Committee:PUBH LR Number:L0942.02T
Last Action:06/13/95 - Signed by Governor
Title:HCS/HB 333
Effective Date:August 28, 1995
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Current Bill Summary

HCS/HB 333 - The act regulates sales of "assistive devices" which includes wheelchairs, scooters, hearing aids, telephone devices for the deaf, voice synthesis devices, scanners, talking software, braille printers and any device which enables a person with a disability to communicate, see, hear or maneuver.

Assistive devices shall be sold with a warranty of at least one year. The dealer shall provide repairs at no charge if the device is returned within one year of purchase. If the assistive device can not be repaired, the dealer shall provide a replacement or refund the purchase. If a returned assistive device is sold, the dealer shall provide disclosure of the return to the customer. A consumer may submit any dispute arising under these provisions to an alternative arbitration mechanism established under rules promulgated by the Attorney General. The Attorney General shall submit such rules to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules for approval. A consumer may bring an action to recover twice the damages plus costs for a violation of this act.

This act is similar to a portion of HS/HCS/HBS 1568 et al. from 1994 which pertained specifically to wheelchairs and SB 263 from 1995.