[I N T R O D U C E D]





To repeal section 610.010, RSMo 1994, relating to public meetings, and to enact in lieu thereof two new sections relating to the same subject.



Section A. Section 610.010, RSMo 1994, is repealed and two new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 610.010 and 610.200, to read as follows:

610.010. As used in sections 610.010 to 610.030 and sections 610.100 to [610.150] 610.200, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms mean:

(1) "Closed meeting", "closed record", or "closed vote", any meeting, record or vote closed to the public;

(2) "Copying", if requested by a member of the public, photocopies provided at actual cost according to section 610.026, if duplication equipment is available;

(3) "Public business", all matters which relate in any way to the performance of the public governmental body's functions or the conduct of its business;

(4) "Public governmental body", any legislative, administrative governmental entity created by the constitution or statutes of this state, by order or ordinance of any political subdivision or district, judicial entities when operating in an administrative capacity, or by executive order, including:

(a) Any body, agency, board, bureau, council, commission, committee, board of regents or board of curators or any other governing body of any institution of higher education, including a community college, which is supported in whole or in part from state funds;

(b) Any advisory committee or commission appointed by the governor by executive order;

(c) Any department or division of the state, of any political subdivision of the state, of any county or of any municipal government, school district or special purpose district including but not limited to sewer districts, water districts, and other subdistricts of any political subdivision;

(d) Any other legislative or administrative governmental deliberative body under the direction of three or more elected or appointed members having rulemaking or quasi-judicial power;

(e) Any committee appointed by or at the direction of any of the entities and which is authorized to report to any of the above named entities, or any policy advisory body, policy advisory committee or policy advisory group appointed by a president, chancellor or any other executive officer of any college or university system or individual institution at the direction of the governing body of said institution which is supported in whole or in part with state funds; and

(f) Any quasi-public governmental body. The term "quasi-public governmental body" means any person, corporation or partnership organized or authorized to do business in this state under the provisions of chapter 352, 353, or 355, RSMo, or unincorporated association which either:

(a) Has as its primary purpose to enter into contracts with public governmental bodies, or to engage primarily in activities carried out pursuant to an agreement or agreements with public governmental bodies; or

(b) Performs a public function, as evidenced by a statutorily based capacity to confer or otherwise advance, through approval, recommendation or other means, the allocation or issuance of tax credits, tax abatement, public debt, tax exempt debt, rights of eminent domain, or the contracting of leaseback agreements on structures whose annualized payments commit public tax revenues; or any association that directly accepts the appropriation of money from a public governmental body, but only to the extent that a meeting, record, or vote relates to such appropriation;

(5) "Public meeting", any meeting of a public governmental body subject to sections 610.010 to 610.030 at which any public business is discussed, decided, or public policy formulated, whether corporeal or by means of communication equipment. The term "public meeting" shall not include an informal gathering of members of a public governmental body for ministerial or social purposes when there is no intent to avoid the purposes of this chapter;

(6) "Public record", any record, whether written or electronically stored, retained by or of any public governmental body including any report, survey, memorandum, or other document or study prepared and presented to the public governmental body by a consultant or other professional service paid for in whole or in part by public funds; provided, however, that personally identifiable student records maintained by public educational institutions shall be open for inspection by the parents, guardian or other custodian of students under the age of eighteen years and by the parents, guardian or other custodian and the student if the student is over the age of eighteen years;

(7) "Public vote", any vote cast at any public meeting of any public governmental body.

610.200. 1. No attorney employed by a state agency shall represent or speak on behalf of any non-governmental entity at a public meeting. Prohibited representation includes any cross-examination or interrogation of witnesses on behalf of the non-governmental entity.

2. Any person who has reason to believe that an attorney has violated subsection 1 of this section may lodge a formal complaint with the office of chief disciplinary counsel of the Missouri bar.