[I N T R O D U C E D]





To repeal section 334.500, RSMo Supp. 1995, relating to certain professions licensed or regulated by the board of registration for the healing arts, and to enact in lieu thereof nine new sections relating to the same subject.


Section A. Section 334.500, RSMo Supp. 1995, is repealed and nine new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 334.500, 334.650, 334.655, 334.660, 334.665, 334.670, 334.675, 334.680 and 334.685, to read as follows:

334.500. As used in sections 334.500 to [334.620] 334.685, the following terms mean:

(1) "Board", the state board of registration for the healing arts in the state of Missouri;

(2) "Physical therapist assistant", a person who is [a graduate of] licensed as a physical therapist assistant [associate degree program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education,] by the board or a person who was actively engaged in practice as a physical therapist assistant on August 28, 1993[. The function of a physical therapist assistant is to assist a physical therapist in the delivery of physical therapy services in compliance with federal regulations and rules promulgated by the Missouri state board of registration for the healing arts];

(3) "Physical therapist", a person who is licensed to practice physical therapy;

(4) "Physical therapy", the examination, treatment and instruction of human beings to assess, prevent, correct, alleviate and limit physical disability, movement dysfunction, bodily malfunction and pain from injury, disease and any other bodily condition, such term includes, but is not limited to, the administration, interpretation and evaluation of physical therapy tests and measurements of bodily functions and structures; the planning, administration, evaluation and modification of treatment and instruction, including the use of physical measures, activities and devices, for preventive and therapeutic purposes; and the provision of consultative, educational, research and other advisory services for the purpose of reducing the incidence and severity of physical disability, movement dysfunction, bodily malfunction and pain does not include the use of surgery or obstetrics or the administration of x-radiation, radioactive substance, diagnostic x-ray, diagnostic laboratory electrocautery, electrosurgery or invasive tests or the prescribing of any drug or medicine or the administration or dispensing of any drug or medicine other than a topical agent administered or dispensed upon the direction of a physician. Physical therapists may perform electromyography and nerve conduction tests but may not interpret the results of the electromyography or nerve conduction test. Physical therapists shall practice physical therapy within the scope of their education and training as provided in sections 334.500 to 334.620.

334.650. After January 1, 1997, no person shall hold himself or herself out as being a physical therapist assistant in this state unless the person is licensed as provided in sections 334.650 to 334.685.

334.655. 1. A candidate for licensure to practice as a physical therapist assistant shall be at least nineteen years of age. A candidate shall furnish evidence of the person's good moral character and of the person's educational qualifications. The educational requirements for licensure as a physical therapy assistant are:

(1) A certificate of graduation from an accredited high school or its equivalent; and

(2) Satisfactory evidence of completion of an associate degree program of physical therapy education accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Physical Therapy education.

2. Persons desiring to practice as a physical therapist assistant in this state shall appear before the board at such time and place as the board may direct and be examined as to the person's fitness to engage in such practice. Applications for examination shall be in writing, on a form furnished by the board and shall include evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant possesses the qualifications provided in subsection 1 of this section. Each application shall contain a statement that the statement is made under oath or affirmation and that its representations are true and correct to the best knowledge and belief of the person signing the statement, subject to the penalties of making a false affidavit or declaration.

3. The examination of qualified candidates for licensure to practice as physical therapist assistants shall include a written examination and which shall cover the subjects taught in accredited associate degree programs of physical therapy education. Such examination shall be sufficient to test the qualification of the candidates as practitioners. The examination shall be given by the board at least once each year. The examination given at any particular time shall cover the same subjects and shall include the same questions.

4. The examination shall include, as related to the human body, the subjects of anatomy, kinesiology, pathology, physiology, psychology, physical therapy theory and procedures as related to medicine and such other subjects, including medical ethics, as the board deems useful to test the fitness of the candidate to practice as a physical therapist assistant.

5. Examination grades or scores shall be preserved by the board subject to public inspection. Examination papers retained by the board shall be subject to public inspection for a period of three years and thereafter may be destroyed.

6. The board shall license without examination any legally qualified person who is a resident of this state and who was actively engaged in practice as a physical therapist assistant on August 28, 1993. The board may license such person pursuant to this subsection until August 28, 1997.

7. A candidate to practice as a physical therapist assistant who does not meet the educational qualifications may submit to the board an application for examination if such person can furnish written evidence to the board that the person has been employed in this state for at least three of the last five years under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist and such person possesses the knowledge and training equivalent to that obtained in an accredited school. The board may license such persons pursuant to this subsection until August 28, 1997.

334.660. The board shall license without examination legally qualified persons who hold certificates of licensure, registration or certification in any state or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia if such persons have passed a written examination to practice as a physical therapist assistant that was substantially equal to the examination requirements of this state and in all other aspects, including education, the requirements for such certificates of licensure, registration or certification were, at the date of issuance, substantially equal to the requirements for licensure in this state. Every applicant for a license pursuant to this section, upon making application showing necessary qualifications as provided in this section shall pay the same fee required of applicants to take the examination before the board. Within the limits of this section, the board may negotiate reciprocal contracts with licensing boards of other states for the admission of licensed practitioners from Missouri in other states.

334.665. Upon the applicant paying a temporary fee, the board shall issue, without examination, a temporary license to practice as a physical therapist assistant for a period of time not to exceed beyond the time when the results of the next examination are announced to any person who meets the qualifications of section 334.655. The temporary license may be renewed at the discretion of the board and upon payment of a temporary license fee.

334.670. The board shall charge a person, who applies for examination for a license to practice as a physical therapist assistant, an examination fee. If the person does not score a passing grade on the examination, the board may refuse to issue a license. Any applicant who fails to pass the examination may reapply and be reexamined upon payment of a reexamination fee. No temporary license may be issued to any person who fails an examination.

334.675. 1. Every person licensed pursuant to sections 334.650 to 334.685 shall, on or before the licensing renewal date, apply to the board for a certificate of licensure for the next licensing period. The application for renewal shall be made on a form furnished to the applicant and shall state the applicant's full name and the address at which the applicant practices and the address at which the applicant resides and the date and number of the applicant's license.

2. A blank application form shall be mailed to each person licensed in this state pursuant to sections 334.650 to 334.685 at the person's last known address of practice or residence. The failure to mail the application for or the failure to receive the application form does not relieve any person of the duty to renew the person's license and pay the renewal fee as required by sections 334.650 to 334.685 nor shall it exempt the person from the penalties provided by sections 334.650 to 334.685 for failure to renew a license.

334.680. Each applicant for licensure shall submit the licensing fee required for the licensing period made payable to the director of revenue with the application for licensure.

334.685. Any person licensed to practice as a physical therapist assistant in this state who retires from the practice shall file with the board an affidavit, on a form furnished by the board, which states the date on which the person retired from practice and such other information required by the board to verify such retirement. If a person reengages in practice as a physical therapy assistant after a person submits an affidavit of retirement required by this section, the person shall reapply for licensure as required by sections 334.650 to 334.685.