[P E R F E C T E D]




Read 1st time January 9, 1996, and 1,000 copies ordered printed.

Read 2nd time January 15, 1996, and referred to the Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations.

Reported from the Committee February 12, 1996, with recommendation that the bill do pass with Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1 & 2 and be placed on the Consent Calendar.

Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 and Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 adopted February 21, 1996.

Taken up February 21, 1996. Read 3rd time and placed upon its final passage; bill passed.

TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.



To repeal section 287.160, RSMo 1994, relating to workers' compensation and to enact in lieu thereof one new section relating to the same subject.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

Section A. Section 287.160, RSMo 1994, is repealed and one new section enacted in lieu thereof to be known as section 287.160, to read as follows:

287.160. 1. Except as provided in section 287.140, no compensation shall be payable for the first three regularly scheduled work days or less of disability unless the disability shall last longer than fourteen days. If the disability lasts longer than fourteen days, payment for the first three days shall be made retroactively to the claimant.

2. Compensation shall be payable as the wages were paid prior to the injury, but in any event at least once every two weeks. If an injured employee claims benefits pursuant to this section, an employer may, if the employee agrees in writing, pay directly to the employee any benefits due pursuant to section 287.170. The employer shall continue such payments until the insurer starts making the payments or the claim is contested by any party. Where the claim is found to be compensable the employer's workers' compensation insurer shall indemnify the employer for any payments made pursuant to this subsection. If the employee's claim is found to be fraudulent or noncompensable, after a hearing, the employee shall reimburse the employer, or the insurer if the insurer has indemnified the employer, for any benefits received either by a:

(1) Lump sum payment;

(2) Refund of the compensation equivalent of any accumulated sick or disability leave;

(3) Payroll deduction; or

(4) Secured installment plan. If the employee is no longer employed by such employer, the employer may garnish the employee's wages or execute upon any property, except real estate, of the employee. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require any employer to make payments directly to the employee.

3. Where weekly benefit payments that are not being contested by the employer or his insurer are due, and if such weekly benefit payments are made more than thirty days after becoming due, the weekly benefit payments that are late shall be increased by ten percent simple interest per annum. Provided, however, that if such claim for weekly compensation is contested by the employee, and the employer or his insurer have not paid the disputed weekly benefit payments or lump sum within thirty days of when the administrative law judge's order becomes final, or from the date of a decision by the labor and industrial relations commission, or from the date of the last judicial review, whichever is later, interest on such disputed weekly benefit payments or lump sum so ordered, shall be increased by ten percent simple interest per annum beginning thirty days from the date of such order. Provided, however, that if such claims for weekly compensation are contested solely by the employer or insurer, no interest shall be payable until after thirty days after the award of the administrative law judge. The state of Missouri or any of its political subdivisions, as an employer, is liable for any such interest assessed against it for failure to promptly pay on any award issued against it under this chapter.

4. Insurers, self-insured employers and self-insured groups of employers shall submit regularly to the division a Timeliness of Payment Report" for all injuries that result in four or more lost work days, and the division shall publish annually a Report of Payment Performance" which shall include the payment performance of all insurers and self-insurers. For the purposes of this report, a payment shall be deemed timely if the payment is made on or before the fourteenth day after that insurer, self-insured employer or self-insured group of employers receives notice of the injury, pursuant to section 287.420. The report shall also include, but not be limited to, information on the number of injuries, by insurer or self-insurer, that result in a claim being filed by an injured worker. The provisions of this subsection shall expire on [August 28, 1996] December 31, 1997.

5. Compensation shall be payable in accordance with the rules given in sections 287.170, 287.180, 287.190, 287.200, 287.240, and 287.250.

6. The employer shall not be entitled to credit for wages or such pay benefits paid to the employee or his dependents on account of the injury or death except as provided in section 287.270.