This Fiscal Note is not an official copy and should not be quoted or cited.

Fiscal Note - SB 0655 - English is Designated as Common & Official Language of MO
L.R. NO. 2637-01
SUBJECT: Public Records: Emblems
TYPE: Original
DATE: January 26, 1996
FUND AFFECTED FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
Total Estimated
Net Effect on All
State Funds $0 $0 $0
FUND AFFECTED FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
Total Estimated
Net Effect on All
Federal Funds $0 $0 $0
FUND AFFECTED FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
Local Government $0 $0 $0
The following state officials, agencies, departments, commissions,
universities, and local governments assume no fiscal impact:
Governor's Office, Department of Natural Resources, Capitol Police, State
Treasurer, Secretary of State, State Auditor, Department of Highway and
Transportation, Department of Conservation, Veterans Commission, Coordinating
Board of Higher Education, Department of Economic Development. Department of
Elementary and Secondary Education, Department of Corrections, State
Emergency Management, Department of Social Services, Department of Health,
Department of Agriculture, Missouri Gaming Commission, Department of Public
Safety - all division, Office of Administration, University of Missouri,
Central Missouri State University, Southwest Missouri State University,
Northeast Missouri State University, Missouri Western State College, Greene
County Commission, Jackson County, Missouri Department of Labor and
Industrial Relations and Department of Mental Health.
Office of State Courts Administrator officials assume there would be one or
more test cases, however, officials would not expect any appreciable change
in the volume of cases filed.
Officials from the Office of Attorney General assume that there would be
litigation brought in response to this legislation. Officials estimate they
would need one part-time (.25) Assistant Attorney General I. AG officials
estimate salary and fringe benefits in FY 97 (10 mo) to be $8,171; in FY 98
$10,051; and in FY 99 $10,302. Officials estimated that $1,675 would be
needed in only FY 97 for furniture and data processing equipment. Officials
estimated office expense for FY 97 to be $2,510; FY 98 $3,103; and $3,196 in
FY 99. Total estimated request for FY 97 (10 mo) $12,357; in FY 98 $13,154;
and in FY 99 $13,498.
To justify their request for 1 part-time (.25 FTE) Assistant Attorney General
I, AG officials submitted a list of court cases involving states with similar
Based on experience of other states with similar laws, Oversight assumes that
there would be at least one test case.
Information provided by the Attorney General suggested that most of the
litigation occurred in border states that have a large ethnic population.
The number of cases per state is as follows:
Arizona 8
Texas 2
California 2
Colorado 2
Florida 1
Hawaii 1
New York 1
Montana 1
Iowa 1
Wisconsin 1
Oversight assumes that the Attorney General would be able to handle any
additional litigation with current staff, however, should litigation be
greater than anticipated, the Attorney General could request additional
staffing during the normal budgetary process.
For the purpose of this fiscal note, Oversight assumes no fiscal impact to
the Office of Attorney General.
FISCAL IMPACT - State Government FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
(10 Mo.)
0 0 0
FISCAL IMPACT - Local Government FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
(10 Mo.)
0 0 0
This act establishes English as the common language for all official public
documents and records and official public meetings. This act also provides
several exceptions to the common language mandate, as well as provisions
prohibiting discrimination in the hiring of state employees.
This legislation is not federally mandated, would not duplicate any other
program and would not require additional capital improvements or rental
Governor's Office
Missouri State Treasurer
Secretary of State
Missouri State Auditor
Department of Mental Health
Department of Natural Resources
Capitol Police
Missouri Highway and Transportation Department
Missouri Department of Conservation
Missouri Veterans Commission
Coordinating Board of Higher Education
Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
Department of Economic Development
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Department of Corrections
State Emergency Management
Department of Social Services
Department of Health
Department of Agriculture
Missouri Gaming Commission
Department of Public Safety - All Divisions
Office of State Court Administrator
Office of Administration
Missouri State Attorney General
University of Missouri
Central Missouri State University
Southwest Missouri State University
Northeast Missouri State University
Missouri Western State College
Greene County
Jackson County Executive
NOT RESPONDING: Department of Insurance, Department of Revenue, Missouri
State Lottery Commission, Northwest Missouri State University, State Fair
Community College, Southeast Missouri State University, Lincoln University,
Missouri Southern State College, Harris-Stowe College, City of St. Louis, St.
Louis County, St. Charles County, Callaway County, Platte County, Worth
County, Taney County, Kansas City