This Fiscal Note is not an official copy and should not be quoted or cited.

Fiscal Note - SB 0805 - Scholarship Program For Minority Students in Envir. Studies
L.R. NO. 2963-02
BILL NO. Perfected SB 805
SUBJECT: Scholarships: Environmental
TYPE: Original
DATE: May 1, 1996
FUND AFFECTED FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
General Revenue $0 ($61,071) ($62,637)
Total Estimated
Net Effect on All
State Funds $0 *($61,071) *($62,637)
*Excludes scholarship costs, which would be permissive and subject to
FUND AFFECTED FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
None $0 $0 $0
Total Estimated
Net Effect on All
Federal Funds $0 $0 $0
FUND AFFECTED FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
Local Government $0 $0 $0
Officials from the State Treasurer's Office, Governor's Office, Harris-Stowe
State College, Office of Administration-Equal Employment Opportunity, and
Department of Revenue assume the proposal would have no fiscal impact on the
Officials from the University of Missouri assume the proposal would function
in a similar manner to the Bright Flight program. Based on that program,
they assume a general estimate for the program's administrative costs would
approximate five dollars per student scholarship recipient. This estimate
would cover clerical time, supplies, programmer analyst time, and computer
run time. The Oversight Division assumes the university could fulfill the
provisions of the proposed legislation with existing resources.
Officials from the Coordinating Board For Higher Education (CBHE) assume they
would participate in the advisory committee using existing staff. Since CBHE
would not fund or administer the scholarship program, the bill would have
little to no fiscal impact on the CBHE.
Officials from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) state the
appropriations into the fund could come from General Revenue, special fees
administered by the department, or from federal funding sources. The DNR
assumes that General Revenue or other appropriate funds would be requested.
DNR assumes they would need core staff of one management analyst specialist
and one- half clerical to establish the program and develop funding sources
through grants and gifts. Then, as the program would develop, DNR could
request an additional appropriation from the Recruitment and Retention
Scholarship Fund to cover the cost of additional resources needed.
The management analyst specialist would be responsible for seeking
funding/grants from all sources, tracking the grants, reporting back to the
funding sources as required, contacting colleges to disseminate information
about the scholarships, recruiting students, and screening applications.
DNR assumes the Minority Environmental Literacy Program would be a one time
investment and would pay for itself after three years.
DNR assumes the number of students awarded scholarships would be dependent on
the amount of funding available in the Recruitment and Retention Scholarship
In addition, the proposal would provide for the reimbursement of the actual
expenses of the members of the Minority Environmental Literacy Advisory
Committee. At this time, the department has not quantified these expenses
due to the number of unknowns (number of meetings, whether overnight travel
would be required, etc.).
The Oversight Division has reduced the expense and equipment of DNR to
reflect Office of Administration guidelines. Because the scholarship program
would be permissive, and the scholarships would be subject to appropriations,
the Oversight Division has only included the management analyst specialist in
the fiscal impact.
FISCAL IMPACT - State Government FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
(10 Mo.)
Cost-Department of Natural Resources
Personal Service $0 ($32,124) ($32,927)
Fringe Benefits 0 (9,875) (10,122)
Expense and Equipment 0 (5,318) (8,218)
Total Cost-Department of Natural Resources $0 ($61,071) ($62,637)
Scholarship costs are not included in the fiscal impact. The awarding of
scholarships would be permissive and subject to appropriations.
FISCAL IMPACT - Local Government FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
(10 Mo.)
0 0 0
The proposal would create the Recruitment and Retention Scholarship
subaccount within the Natural Resources Protection Fund.
The proposal would establish a "Minority Environmental Literacy Program".
DNR could award scholarships to minority students to pursue environmentally
related course of study. The scholarships would be administered by the
Division of Environmental Quality Recruitment and Retention Program under the
supervision of the Minority Environmental Literacy Advisory Committee.
DNR would promulgate rules to administer the scholarship program, including
qualifications, application forms, annual filing deadlines and scholarship
amounts. Scholarships would be directed toward students studying
engineering, chemistry, environmental sciences and law enforcement.
The proposal would create the Minority Environmental Literacy Advisory
Committee, comprised of the director of DNR; three representatives from
universities and colleges; the Commissioner of Higher Education; five high
school teachers; and the state affirmative action officer. The committee
would meet at least annually.
DNR could employ consultants, assistants, deputies, clerks, and other
employees as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of the proposal.
This legislation is not federally mandated, would not duplicate any other
program and would not require additional capital improvements or rental
Department of Natural Resources
Department of Revenue
State Treasurer's Office
Office of Administration-Equal Employment Opportunity
Coordinating Board For Higher Education
University of Missouri
Harris-Stowe State College
Governor's Office