[I N T R O D U C E D]





     To amend chapter 135, RSMo, relating to a tax credit for certain charitable contributions, and to enact in lieu thereof two new sections relating to the same subject, with an effective date.


     Section A. Chapter 135, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto two new sections, to be known as sections 135.550 and 135.600, to read as follows:

     135.550. 1. As used in this section, the following terms shall mean:

     (1) "Maternity home", a residential facility located in this state established for the purpose of providing housing and assistance to pregnant women who are carrying their pregnancies to term, and which is exempt from income taxation under the United States Internal Revenue Code;

     (2) "State tax liability", in the case of a business taxpayer, any liability incurred by such taxpayer under the provisions of chapter 143, RSMo, chapter 147, RSMo, chapter 148, RSMo, and chapter 153, RSMo, exclusive of the provisions relating to the withholding of tax as provided for in sections 143.191 to 143.265, RSMo, and related provisions, and in the case of an individual taxpayer, any liability incurred by such taxpayer under the provisions of chapter 143, RSMo;

     (3) "Taxpayer", person, firm, a partner in a firm, corporation or a shareholder in an S corporation doing business in the state of Missouri and subject to the state income tax imposed by the provisions of chapter 143, RSMo, or a corporation subject to the annual corporation franchise tax imposed by the provisions of chapter 147, RSMo, or an insurance company paying an annual tax on its gross premium receipts in this state, or other financial institution paying taxes to the state of Missouri or any political subdivision of this state under the provisions of chapter 148, RSMo, or an express company which pays an annual tax on its gross receipts in this state pursuant to chapter 153, RSMo, or an individual subject to the state income tax imposed by the provisions of chapter 143, RSMo.

     2. A taxpayer shall be allowed to claim a tax credit against the taxpayer's state tax liability, in an amount equal to fifty percent of the amount such taxpayer contributed to a maternity home.

     3. The amount of the tax credit claimed shall not exceed the amount of the taxpayer's state tax liability for the taxable year that the credit is claimed, and such taxpayer shall not be allowed to claim a tax credit in excess of fifty thousand dollars per taxable year. However, any tax credit that cannot be claimed in the taxable year the contribution was made may be carried over to the next four succeeding taxable years until the full credit has been claimed.

     4. Except for any excess credit which is carried over pursuant to subsection 3 of this section, a taxpayer shall not be allowed to claim a tax credit unless the total amount of such taxpayer's contribution or contributions to a maternity home or homes in such taxpayer's taxable year is at least one hundred dollars.

     5. The director of the department of health shall determine, at least annually, which facilities in this state may be classified as maternity homes. The director of the department of health may require of a facility seeking to be classified as a maternity home whatever information is reasonably necessary to make such a determination. The director of the department of health shall classify a facility as a maternity home if such facility meets the definition set forth in subsection 1 of this section.

     6. The director of the department of health shall establish a procedure by which a taxpayer can determine if a facility has been classified as a maternity home, and by which such taxpayer can then contribute to such maternity home and claim a tax credit. The cumulative amount of tax credits which may be claimed by all the taxpayers contributing to maternity homes in any one fiscal year shall not exceed two million dollars.

     7. The director of the department of health shall establish a procedure by which, from the beginning of the fiscal year until some point in time later in the fiscal year to be determined by the director of the department of health, the cumulative amount of tax credits are equally apportioned among all facilities classified as maternity homes. If a maternity home fails to use all, or some percentage to be determined by the director of the department of health, of its apportioned tax credits during this predetermined period of time, the director of the department of health may reapportion these unused tax credits to those maternity homes that have used all, or some percentage to be determined by the director of the department of health, of their apportioned tax credits during this predetermined period of time. The director of the department of health may establish more than one period of time and reapportion more than once during each fiscal year. To the maximum extent possible, the director of the department of health shall establish the procedure described in this subsection in such a manner as to ensure that taxpayers can claim all the tax credits possible up to the cumulative amount of tax credits available for the fiscal year.

     8. The director of the department of health shall promulgate such rules as are necessary to achieve the purposes of this section. No rule or portion of a rule promulgated under the authority of this section shall become effective unless it has been promulgated pursuant to the provisions of section 536.024, RSMo.

     135.600. 1. As used in this section, the following terms shall mean:

     (1) "Shelter for victims of domestic violence", a facility located in this state which meets the definition of a shelter for victims of domestic violence under section 455.200, RSMo, and which meets the requirements of section 455.220, RSMo;

     (2) "State tax liability", in the case of a business taxpayer, any liability incurred by such taxpayer under the provisions of chapter 143, RSMo, chapter 147, RSMo, chapter 148, RSMo, and chapter 153, RSMo, exclusive of the provisions relating to the withholding of tax as provided for in sections 143.191 to 143.265, RSMo, and related provisions, and in the case of an individual taxpayer, any liability incurred by such taxpayer under the provisions of chapter 143, RSMo;

     (3) "Taxpayer", person, firm, a partner in a firm, corporation or a shareholder in an S corporation doing business in the state of Missouri and subject to the state income tax imposed by the provisions of chapter 143, RSMo, or a corporation subject to the annual corporation franchise tax imposed by the provisions of chapter 147, RSMo, or an insurance company paying an annual tax on its gross premium receipts in this state, or other financial institution paying taxes to the state of Missouri or any political subdivision of this state under the provisions of chapter 148, RSMo, or an express company which pays an annual tax on its gross receipts in this state pursuant to chapter 153, RSMo, or an individual subject to the state income tax imposed by the provisions of chapter 143, RSMo.

     2. A taxpayer shall be allowed to claim a tax credit against the taxpayer's state tax liability, in an amount equal to fifty percent of the amount such taxpayer contributed to a shelter for victims of domestic violence.

     3. The amount of the tax credit claimed shall not exceed the amount of the taxpayer's state tax liability for the taxable year that the credit is claimed, and such taxpayer shall not be allowed to claim a tax credit in excess of fifty thousand dollars per taxable year. However, any tax credit that cannot be claimed in the taxable year the contribution was made may be carried over to the next four succeeding taxable years until the full credit has been claimed.

     4. Except for any excess credit which is carried over pursuant to subsection 3 of this section, a taxpayer shall not be allowed to claim a tax credit unless the total amount of such taxpayer's contribution or contributions to a shelter or shelters for victims of domestic violence in such taxpayer's taxable year is at least one hundred dollars.

     5. The director of public safety shall determine, at least annually, which facilities in this state may be classified as shelters for victims of domestic violence. The director of public safety may require of a facility seeking to be classified as a shelter for victims of domestic violence whatever information is reasonably necessary to make such a determination. The director of public safety shall classify a facility as a shelter for victims of domestic violence if such facility meets the definition set forth in subsection 1 of this section.

     6. The director of public safety shall establish a procedure by which a taxpayer can determine if a facility has been classified as a shelter for victims of domestic violence, and by which such taxpayer can then contribute to such shelter for victims of domestic violence and claim a tax credit. The cumulative amount of tax credits which may be claimed by all the taxpayers contributing to shelters for victims of domestic violence in any one fiscal year shall not exceed two million dollars.

     7. The director of public safety shall establish a procedure by which, from the beginning of the fiscal year until some point in time later in the fiscal year to be determined by the director of public safety, the cumulative amount of tax credits are equally apportioned among all facilities classified as shelters for victims of domestic violence. If a shelter for victims of domestic violence fails to use all, or some percentage to be determined by the director of public safety, of its apportioned tax credits during this predetermined period of time, the director of public safety may reapportion these unused tax credits to those shelters for victims of domestic violence that have used all, or some percentage to be determined by the director of public safety, of their apportioned tax credits during this predetermined period of time. The director of public safety may establish more than one period of time and reapportion more than once during each fiscal year. To the maximum extent possible, the director of public safety shall establish the procedure described in this subsection in such a manner as to ensure that taxpayers can claim all the tax credits possible up to the cumulative amount of tax credits available for the fiscal year.

     8. The director of public safety shall promulgate such rules as are necessary to achieve the purposes of this section. No rule or portion of a rule promulgated under the authority of this section shall become effective unless it has been promulgated pursuant to the provisions of section 536.024, RSMo.

     Section B. Sections 135.550 and 135.600 of this act shall become effective on January 1, 1998.