[I N T R O D U C E D]





     To repeal sections 256.453 and 256.468, RSMo 1994, relating to registration of geologists, and to enact in lieu thereof two new sections relating to the same subject.


     Section A. Sections 256.453 and 256.468, RSMo 1994, are repealed and two new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 256.453 and 256.468, to read as follows:

     256.453. As used in sections 256.450 to 256.483, the following words and phrases shall mean:

     (1) "Board of geologist registration" or "board", the board of geologist registration created in section 256.459;

     (2) "Certificate of registration", a license issued by the board of geologist registration granting its licensee the privilege to conduct geologic work and make interpretations, reports, and other actions in accordance with the provisions of sections 256.450 to 256.483;

     (3) "Division of professional registration", the division of professional registration within the department of economic development;

     (4) "Geologist", a person who has met or exceeded the minimum geological educational requirements and who can interpret and apply geologic data, principles, and concepts and who can conduct field or laboratory geological investigations;

     (5) "Geologist-registrant in-training", a person who [is a candidate for registration under sections 256.450 to 256.483 and who meets all other requirements for registration except length of service] meets the requirements of subsection 6 of section 256.468;

     (6) "Geology", that profession based on the investigation and interpretation of the earth, including bedrock, overburden, groundwater and other liquids, minerals, gases, and the history of the earth and its life;

     (7) "Practice of geology", the practice of or the offer to practice geology for others, such practice including, but not limited to, geological investigations to describe and interpret the natural processes acting on earth materials, including gases and fluids; predicting and interpreting mineral distribution, value, and production; predicting and interpreting geologic factors affecting planning, design, construction, and maintenance of engineered facilities such as waste disposal sites or dams; and the teaching of the science of geology;

     (8) "Public health, safety and welfare" shall include the following: protection of groundwater; buildings and other construction projects including dams, highways and foundations; waste disposal or causes of waste pollution including human, animal, and other wastes including radionuclides; stability of the earth's surface such as could be affected by earthquakes, landslides, or collapse; the depth, casing, grouting, and other recommendations for the construction of wells or other borings into earth that intersect one or more aquifers; and excavation into the earth's materials where stability or other factors are at risk. "Public health, safety, and welfare" does not refer to geologic work conducted to determine mineral resources or other resources as could be available for various uses, teaching, or basic geologic work including making geologic maps, cross sections, stratigraphic determinations, and associated reports or other presentations;

     (9) "Qualified geologist" or "professional geologist", a geologist who satisfies the educational requirements of subsection 2 of section 256.468 and who has at least three years of experience in the practice of geology subsequent to satisfying such educational requirements;

     (10) "Registered geologist", a geologist who has met the qualifications established by the board and has been issued a certificate of registration by the board of geologist registration;

     (11) "Responsible charge of work", the independent control and direction of geological work or the supervision of such work pertaining to the practice of geology;

     (12) "Specialty", a branch of geologic study and work such as engineering geology, environmental geology, hydrogeology, mineral resources, and other related work requiring geologic education and experience.

     256.468. 1. An applicant for certification as a registered geologist shall complete and sign a personal data form, prescribed and furnished by the board, and shall provide the appropriate application fee. The personal data of an individual shall be considered confidential information.

     2. The applicant shall have graduated from a course of study satisfactory to the board and which includes at least thirty semester or forty-five quarter hours of credit in geology.

     3. The applicant shall provide to the board a detailed summary of actual geologic work, documenting that the applicant meets the minimum requirements for registration as a geologist, including a demonstration that the applicant has at least three years of postbaccalaureate experience in the practice of geology.

     4. Except as provided in this section, no applicant shall be certified unless he shall have passed an examination covering the fundamentals, principles and practices of geology prescribed or accepted by the board.

     5. The examination requirement of subsection 4 of this section shall be waived for those persons who were practicing geology on August 28, 1994, provided that application is made on or before October 1, 1995, and all applicable fees have been paid. All other requirements of sections 256.450 to 256.483 must be satisfied.

     6. Any person, upon application to the board and demonstration that [all applicable requirements for registration have been met except for experience] the person meets the requirements of subsections 1 and 2 of this section and has passed that portion of the professional examination covering the fundamentals of geology, shall be awarded the geologist-registrant in-training certificate. The geologist then may use the title "geologist-registrant in-training" subject to the limitations of sections 256.450 to 256.483.

     7. The board shall deny registration to an applicant who fails to satisfy the requirements of this section. The board shall not issue a certificate of registration pending the disposition in this or another state of any complaint alleging a violation of this chapter or the laws, rules, regulations and code of professional conduct applicable to registered geologists and regulated geologic work of which violation the board has notice. An applicant who is denied registration shall be notified in writing within thirty days of the board's decision and the notice shall state the reason for denial of registration. Any person aggrieved by a final decision of the board on an application for registration may appeal that decision to the administrative hearing commission in the manner provided in section 621.120, RSMo.

     8. The board shall issue an appropriate certificate evidencing the issuance of the certificate of registration upon payment of the applicable registration fee to any applicant who has satisfactorily met all the requirements of this section for registration as a geologist. Such certificate shall show the full name of the registrant, shall have a serial number, and shall be dated and signed by an appropriate officer of the board under the seal of the board.

     9. The certificate seal shall be prima facie evidence that the person named therein is entitled to all rights and privileges of a registered geologist under sections 256.450 to 256.483 and to practice geology as an individual, firm or corporation while such certificate remains unrevoked or unexpired.

     10. The board may issue a certificate of registration to any individual who has made application and provided proof of certification of registration from another state nongovernmental or governmental organization, or country, approved by the board, provided that the registration or licensing requirements are substantially similar to the requirements of this section and the necessary fees have been paid. The board may require, by examination or other procedures, demonstration of competency pertaining to geologic conditions in Missouri.

     11. The board shall reissue the certificate of registration of any registrant who, before the expiration date of the certificate and within a period of time and procedures established by the board, submits the required renewal application and fee.

     12. The board, by rule, may establish conditions and fees for the reissuing of certificates of registration which have lapsed, expired, or have been suspended or revoked.

     13. Registered geologists may purchase from the board, or other approved sources, a seal bearing the registered geologist's name, registration number, and the legend "Registered Geologist".