[I N T R O D U C E D]
To repeal sections 226.525 and 226.535, RSMo 1994, relating to historical and public interest signs along the highways, and to enact two new sections in lieu thereof relating to the same subject.
Section A. Sections 226.525 and 226.535, RSMo 1994, are repealed and two new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 226.525 and 226.535, to read as follows:
226.525. The state highways and transportation commission is directed to erect within the right-of-way of all classes of highways within the state signs and notices pertaining to publicly and privately owned natural wonders and scenic and historical attractions under the following conditions:
(1) Such signs shall not violate any federal law, rule, or regulation affecting the allocation of federal funds to the state of Missouri or which violate any safety regulation formally promulgated by the state highways and transportation commission[.];
(2) Such official signs shall be limited in content to the name of the attraction and necessary travel information[.];
(3) Such signs shall be made available for any historical museum located within ten miles of a state or federal highway if such museum is open on a regular basis;
(4) The state highways and transportation commission shall determine those sites and attractions for which directional and other official signs may be erected as permitted by section 131 of Title 23, United States Code, which it deems of such importance as to justify such signing, using as a guide those publicly or privately owned natural wonders and scenic, historic, educational, cultural, or recreational sites which have been determined to be of general interest[.]; and
[(4)] (5) The state highways and transportation commission may require reimbursement for the cost of erection and maintenance of the official directional signs authorized hereunder when sites or attractions are privately owned by other than the state or political subdivisions. The state highways and transportation commission shall prescribe the size, number and locations of such signs based upon its determination of the travelers' need for directional information.
226.535. 1. Signs, displays, and devices giving specific information of interest to the traveling public shall be erected and maintained within the right-of-way in such areas, in an appropriate distance from interchanges on the interstate system as shall conform with the rules and regulations promulgated by the highway department. Such rules shall be consistent with national standards promulgated from time to time by the appropriate authority of the federal government, pursuant to Title 23, section 131, paragraph f, of the United States Code.
2. Any logo sign program providing business information for motorists which is operated by the highways and transportation commission shall provide signs displaying the following services:
(1) Gas;
(2) Food;
(3) Attractions;
(4) Lodging; and
(5) Camping;
subject to the requirements of federal law. The commission shall take any action necessary to establish signs displaying local attractions, including application with the Federal Highway Administration for an experimental sign program.