[P E R F E C T E D]




Read 1st time January 15, 1997, and 1,000 copies ordered printed.

Read 2nd time January 22, 1997, and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Conservation, Parks and Tourism.

Reported from the Committee February 3, 1997, with recommendation that the bill do pass and be placed on the Consent Calendar.

Taken up February 25, 1997. Read 3rd time and placed upon its final passage; bill passed.

TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.



To repeal section 262.260, RSMo 1994, relating to state fair admission fees and to enact in lieu thereof one new section relating to the same subject.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

     Section A. Section 262.260, RSMo 1994, is repealed and one new section enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as section 262.260, to read as follows:

     262.260. The commission shall establish admission fees to be charged at the gates of the fairgrounds [for adults and children over the age of six years and for vehicles and stock driven in the grounds. The admission fee for adults and children over the age of six years shall be determined by the commission, but shall not exceed four dollars. The commission shall not increase the fee by more than fifty cents per calendar year above the fee charged during the previous calendar year. No fee shall be charged for children of the age of six years or younger]. The admission fees, revenues from the sale of privileges and revenues as a result of pari-mutuel wagering shall be payable to and collected by the state director of revenue who shall deposit the same in the general revenue fund to the credit of the state fair fee account. The money in the state fair fee account may be used in improving and beautifying the grounds, paying premiums and defraying expenses of the state fair, including officers' salaries, the hire of assistants, expense and equipment, capital improvements and maintenance and repair.