01/09/97 | S First Read | S49 |
01/20/97 | Referred S Elections, Pensions & Vet. Affairs Committee | S102 |
01/29/97 | Hearing Conducted S Elections, Pensions & Vet. Aff. Com. | |
02/24/97 | Voted Do Pass S Elections, Pensions & Vet. Aff. Committee | |
03/27/97 | Reported From S Elections Committee to Floor | S544 |
04/22/97 | SA 1 S offered & withdrawn (Flotron) | S805 |
04/22/97 | SA 2 S offered & adopted (Flotron) | S806 |
04/22/97 | SA 3 S offered & adopted (Klarich) | S806 |
04/22/97 | Perfected, as amended | S806 |
04/23/97 | Reported Truly Perfected S Rules Committee | S840 |
04/23/97 | Referred S Budget Control Committee | S846 |
04/29/97 | Hearing Conducted S Budget Control Committee | |
04/29/97 | Voted Do Pass S Budget Control Committee | |
04/29/97 | Reported From S Budget Control Committee to Floor | S916 |
04/30/97 | S Third Read and Passed | S927 |
04/30/97 | H First Read | H1436 |
05/01/97 | H Second Read | H1473 |
05/08/97 | Referred H Budget Committee | H1676 |
05/14/97 | Hearing Conducted H Budget Committee | |
05/14/97 | Voted Do NOT Pass H Budget Committee | |