Joint Interim Committee on Family Law
October 13, 1997
Senator Harold Caskey and Representative Pat Dougherty presiding
(At a hearing of the Interim Joint Committee on Family Law, October 13, 1997, Capitol Building, Jefferson City, Missouri, with Senator Harold Caskey and Representative Dougherty presiding, the following proceedings were had):

    SENATOR CASKEY: For those that are joining us today to assist this Committee in fact-finding to determine whether and what direction we should go in, in the domestic relations law in Missouri, we ask that each of you fill out and hand in a witness form, and if those of you that know you're going to be testifying, you might do that ahead of time, if it would save some, probably, in housekeeping.


    CASKEY: Yes.

    ARMSTRONG: Those witnesses that called in, and invited guests, their witness forms are filled out already.

    CASKEY: That's outstanding.

    ARMSTRONG: All they need to do is sign them, and then anyone that called........

    CASKEY: So they can just step over to you and sign it and it's done.


    CASKEY: So, if you would, then, just step over and she'll have those for you to fill out.

    Those of you that are not scheduled witnesses that do wish to testify, the witness forms are on the dias, so step forward and get those.

    This is the Joint House and Senate Committee on Domestic Relations to review the issues of child support, visitation, custody, and enforcement. So, the co-chair of this committee, Patrick Dougherty, from the House, Representative Patrick Dougherty - Pat, what have you got for them?

    REPRESENTATIVE DOUGHERTY: Good morning, everyone. I think all of you have seen the letter of announcement by the speaker and the pro tem. What we've got today is a schedule of witnesses who have called in and times have been scheduled. We're going to try, as best we can, to ask everyone to please understand that we want to get out of here sometime before - whenever Representative Green wants to go home. We're going to try to work it so the schedule, it looks like about five o'clock, and we're going to ask individuals, please, to keep your comments to no more than 20-25 minutes. That would give us an opportunity to ask questions. If it can be shorter, we would greatly appreciate that.

    Senator, it looks like today is pretty well, and I think individuals who called are on notice that most of today is filled, but we'll be here tomorrow for more testimony.

    CASKEY: Now, if there is someone that needs to get away earlier and you're down on the list quite a ways, just let us know and we'll move you up the list as far as sequencing. It is not locked in stone, and if there's someone that is not on the list that has a burning desire to tell us what they know, why talk to us and we'll try to work you in.

    DOUGHERTY: Why don't we go ahead and have the committee members introduce themselves, and where they're from, and then we'll go right to the testimony?

    The intention of the interim committee for the two days worth of public testimony is to get feedback and ideas. The committee will then spend some time looking at the suggestions later on in the working session to try and come up with what we want to recommend back to the speaker and to the pro tem. So, why don't we start with Senator Wiggins?

    SENATOR WIGGINS: Thank you, Senator Wiggins. I'm Harry Wiggins, state senator from the 10th District, Kansas City, in Jackson County. Delighted to be here with you.

    SENATOR BENTLEY: I'm Roseann Bentley, from Springfield, 30th District. Glad you all are here today.

    REPRESENTATIVE DOUGHERTY: Again, Pat Dougherty, and I'm from the City of St. Louis.

    SENATOR CASKEY: Harold Caskey, and I'm from Butler.

    KIM GREEN: Kim Green. I'm with Harold.

    CASKEY: That's right.

    SENATOR YECKEL: Anita Yeckel. I'm from the 1st Senate District in south St. Louis County.

    REPRESENTATIVE GREEN: Tim Green. I'm a state Representative from St. Louis County.

    SENATOR JACOB: Ken Jacob, Columbia.

    REPRESENTATIVE SMITH: Phil Smith, Pike and Lincoln Counties.

    REPRESENTATIVE OSTMANN: Sandy Ostmann, St. Charles County.

    DOUGHERTY: Well, I guess we'll go ahead with the list that we have, as scheduled.

    The first individual to put their name on our list is Teresa Kaiser, Director of the Division of Child Support Enforcement.

    Welcome. Thank you for coming on your day off.

    CASKEY: We scheduled it so it wouldn't interfere with your work.

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