Joint Interim Committee on Family Law
October 14, 1997
Senator Harold Caskey and Representative Pat Dougherty presiding
Witness:  Mr. Bill Douglas, Father, Richland, Missouri
     MR. BILL DOUGLAS: Okay, I thank you guys for having this committee, and you should be commended on your efforts for trying to do something with this situation. I'm a little bit nervous, but hope that will go away.

     I think the statute 452, specifically, in .375, it states it very fairly. I think the main topic there is frequent and meaningful contact, and then on down through there, it says the court shall determine the custody and arrangements which will best assure that the parents share decision making rights, responsibilities, and authority and such does frequent and meaningful contact between the child and each parent. That's stated there two times. It's understandable. It's reasonable. It's very fair. The court systems do not appreciate that all the time. That's a problem.

     I think two tours in Hades would be a cakewalk compared to what I've endured to deal with this.

     DOUGHERTY: Which Hade to you mean?

     DOUGLAS: Pardon?

     DOUGHERTY: Never mind. It was a bad joke.

     DOUGLAS: Probably either one.

     DOUGHERTY: Go ahead.

     DOUGLAS: Okay. I've got a bit wrote down here. I think we're running out of time. There's other people that's got something to say. I'm going to cut this pretty short, but I'll leave you a copy, all right?

     DOUGHERTY: Fine.

     DOUGLAS: I feel that to know the fate of your loved ones, it is most essential to sustain a healthy and meaningful life. To be a hostage of not knowing the fate of your children can be the most painful and horrifying experience ever. The intense pain of feeling betrayal, humiliation, loneliness, often lasts for years.

     I think the key words in statute 452.375, are frequent and meaningful. There's nothing frequent about eight hours a month, or two out of 14 days of a month. There's nothing meaningful about earning $12 or so dollars now, living out of a vehicle, and not being able to afford to do things with your children, and I feel that statute 452 has good guidelines and substance, and amendments should be made to assure frequent and meaningful contact between both parents. Also, parents should share decision making rights and responsibilities and authority. Efforts made on your behalf to improve this statute are greatly appreciated. One other little thing, I thought.

     Okay, I agree that it definitely should be a misdemeanor charge against either/or parent who denies the other frequent and meaningful contact. If you should call a college, private school, I'm speaking from the father's standpoint, ask about your son's - what class he's taking, whatever, they cannot give you this information. That's confidential, assuming because you're a deadbeat dad. That is a very disrespectful statement. It's over the radios. It's over the TV. That's disgusting. It's not needed. It has no purpose.

     DOUGHERTY: Which one again?

     DOUGLAS: Which one what? The deadbeat dad commercials?

     DOUGHERTY: Oh, okay. I understand. I got you. Thank you.

     DOUGLAS: That's all I have to day.

     CASKEY: Did you say college, that you're not able to get information from college?

     DOUGLAS: Well, yes, college.

     CASKEY: Did you mean elementary and secondary?

     DOUGLAS: No, I'm speaking more terms, like a junior college or a trade school.

     CASKEY: Do you realize that my son goes to college, and I'm not divorced, and I can't get his grades, unless he releases them?

     DOUGLAS: Are you paying for his college?

     CASKEY: You bet. My son is on a full ride scholarship, an HLC Fullride Scholarship.

     DOUGLAS: If he's on a full ride, why are you paying for it?

     CASKEY: It's an HLC full ride. Harold L. Caskey.

     DOUGHERTY: I think you fell into that one. We did change the law a little bit last year where, if I remember correctly, we stated that it is the responsibility of the child, as a condition of child support, to provide both custodial and non-custodial. I was looking for it, but I couldn't find it, parent - is it upon request or by nature of. They must.........

     (Someone speaking from audience. Cannot be heard)

    Let me grab a little decorum back here. But, anyway, we did make a change in the law. We'll find it for you before the end of the day. I'll just show that to you, because there is a change that took effect this year. Any other questions of this witness? Thank you, very much.

     Mr. Brian Murray? I almost said Bill Murray, and I wasn't even sure who was going to show up. Good morning. Thank you for coming. Make sure you fill out a witness form.

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