SB 011 - House Committee Substitute Summary
- House Committee Substitute -

HCS/SS/SB 11 - This act revises the salary schedules for all county elected officials except for officials in first classification counties which have charter forms of government.

(1) SB 11 equalizes the compensation for county assessors, collectors, treasurers, clerks, recorders of deeds when the office is separate from that of the circuit clerk and treasurer ex officio collectors (in township organization counties) in second, third and fourth classification counties.

(2) County coroners will become members of the county salary commissions.

(3) Associate county commissioners' salaries will be two thousand dollars less than the salaries of presiding commissioners in first classification noncharter counties.

(4) In second, third and fourth classification counties, county elected officials will be eligible for a cost of living adjustment (COLA). The COLA cannot exceed the percentage increase given to other employees of a particular county.

(5) The act provides for a review of county salaries every ten years by the General Assembly.

(6) Salary increases are provided for the St. Louis City Sheriff and Circuit Attorney.

(7) Certain counties which become first classification counties after January 1, 1998, may retain the Office of County Coroner.

(8) In any county except first classification counties where there is a vacancy in the Office of Treasurer and there is no Deputy Treasurer, the County Commission may appoint a qualified acting Treasurer until the vacancy is filled by the Governor.

(9) Certain first classification noncharter County Commissioners may, with Salary Commission approval, receive reduced compensation for part-time work.

Other provisions of this act pertain to particular county officials.