HCS/SB 298 - This act modifies provisions relating to the Kansas City Police and Civilian Retirement Systems and the St. Louis City Police Retirement System.
This act revises portions of the Kansas City Police Retirement System and the Kansas City Police Department Civilian Employees' Retirement System.
KANSAS CITY POLICE RETIREMENT SYSTEM. Time in which a member is suspended without pay does not count when determining final compensation and service credit. This act removes the 2- year marriage requirement.
This act makes various changes to disability benefits. The Board of police commissioners must determine eligibility in the KC Police Retirement System. The pension ceases when the member is no longer totally and permanently incapacitated for duty disability.
Non-duty disability members must submit to periodic medical examinations until age 60 or lose benefits. If one or more medical board members certifies that the member is no longer totally and permanently disabled and the retirement board agrees, the pension ceases.
The duty death benefit is increased to $50,000. Payments would no longer be terminated if the surviving spouse dies or remarries before all payments are made.
A terminated member may opt to elect lump-sum return of contributions in lieu of any other benefits.
KANSAS CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. There are similar provisions governing suspensions without pay. The normal pension (2% of final compensation times years of service) applies without reduction for spousal benefits. The age 60 requirement for non-duty disability benefits is removed. Supplemental retirement health insurance benefits applies to all retired civilians and surviving spouses.
Effective October 1, 1997, this act increases the ordinary disability retirement allowance for a member if the member has unmarried dependent children. Currently, the ordinary disability retirement allowance is increased 10% for each unmarried dependent child of the disabled member, up to 3 children. This act changes the 10% to 15%.
This act requires the retirement system to repay a member's contributions, without interest, to a member who retires for accidental or permanent total disability. Any amount repaid shall be withdrawn from the retirement system and not from the city.
This act specifies the calculation of a member's annual benefit may be based on taxable compensation.
This act also increases the widow's pension and the amount for dependent children of a member who died while in service, or who retired for service, ordinary disability or accidental disability, effective for such widows and children receiving benefits prior to October 1, 1997. Currently, a widow's pension amount is calculated at 25% of the deceased members compensation plus 10% of such compensation for each unmarried dependent child, up to 3 children. This act changes the 25% to 35% and the 10% to 15%. If benefits are received for dependent children prior to October 1, 1997, then they will receive, in addition to the 15%, the greater of the 5% or $100, per child. The provisions applying to dependent children also apply to dependent children of members who died in the line of duty.
This act provides that if a court finds that there is a Hancock problem (new or increased activity or service), such provision of this act is void from the beginning.