SB 153 -- The act would require the Department of Social Services to develop caseload standards which would decide the minimum and maximum number of cases an employee could rationally be expected to perform in a normal work month.
In establishing the caseload standards the Director shall: (1) ensure that the standards are based on the actual duties of the caseworkers in each program area of the department; (2) ensure that the standards are consistent with existing professional caseload standards defined by national organizations such as the Child Welfare League, National Eligibility Workers Associations and the National Association of Social Workers; (3) consider the standards developed by other states for workers in similar positions of employment.
A Caseload Standards Advisory Committee, which shall consist of seven non-supervisory employees of the department and three division directors, shall meet at least biannually. The committee shall review professional and other caseload standards and make recommendations to the department of social services for minimum and maximum caseloads for each category of workers employed by the department.