SB 270 - Perfected Summary
- Perfected -

SCS/SB 270 - This act reorganizes four sections of Workers' Compensation Law, modifies provisions involving proof of insurance and the reporting of injuries, and repeals a section relating to the intrastate modification rate.

Sole proprietor, partners (including limited liability partners) and copartners would be included in the definition of "employer".

EXEMPT, BUT MAY OPT IN - SECTION 287.090. The following employers and employees are exempt under this act, but may opt in:

(1) Farm labor and domestic servants;

(2) State prison inmates and mental health residents;

(3) Family members owning a family farm corporation;

(4) Qualified real estate agents.

INCLUDED, BUT MAY OPT OUT - SECTION 287.091. The following employers are included under Workers' Compensation Law, but may opt out:

(1) Owner & operator of leased/contracted motor vehicle with driver with commercial driver's license;

(2) Volunteers of charitable organizations pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;

(3) Sole proprietors with family members;

(4) Adjudicators, sports officials or contest workers for interscholastic activities or amateur youth programs;

(5) 2 or fewer owner s/emp loyee s of a corpo ratio n.

PROOF OF INSUR ANCE TO OBTAI N BUSIN ESS LICEN SE. SECTI ON 287.0 61 would requi re any city or count y to recei ve a certi ficat e of worke rs' compe nsati on insur ance from contr actor s only befor e issui ng an occup ation al or busin ess licen se. Curre ntly, this appli es to all appli cants for such licen ses.< p>

REPOR TING OF INJUR IES. SECTI ON 287.3 80 would requi re all injur ies to be repor ted in the same way, regar dless of the amoun t of medic al costs (curr ently injur ies costi ng less than $500 are repor ted diffe rentl y).

MOVES SECTI ON 287.0 37 TO SECTI ON 287.0 91. Secti on 287.0 37 requi res limit ed liabi lity compa nies to provi de worke rs' compe nsati on insur ance cover age to emplo yees, altho ugh membe rs may exemp t out. The date of repea l of secti on 287.0 37 coinc ides with the date of enact ment of 287.0 91 (1/1/ 98 or renew al date of the polic y).

REPEA LS SECTI ON 287.3 37, which requi res rates and ratin g syste ms for const ructi on emplo yees to be based on the intra state modif icati on rate if the emplo yer has a credi ble Misso uri intra state modif icati on rate- - emplo yers witho ut such a rate are subje cted to a highe r rate.

Porti ons of this act are simil ar to SBs 730, 733 and 844 (1996 ). Secti ons 287.0 61 and 287.3 80 becom e effec tive 8/28/ 97, and the remai ning secti ons becom e effec tive 1/1/9 8 or on the renew al date of the polic y.