SB 0833 Revises law relating to credit union membership
LR Number:S2562.01I Fiscal Note:2562-01
Committee:Corrections and General Laws
Last Action:02/10/98 - Referred S Corrections & General Laws Committee Journal page:S175
Effective Date:August 28, 1998
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SB 833 - This act pertains to credit union membership.

Present law requires that a credit union membership must be limited to persons who have a common bond of occupation or association or to groups who reside in a well-defined neighborhood, community or rural district. This requirement would be repealed by SB 833.

Under SB 833 the Director of the Division of Credit Unions of the Department of Economic Development shall have the authority to approve applications: (1) to amend bylaws pertaining to credit union memberships or (2) to organize credit unions which include single or multiple groups.