SB 0847 Requires licensing of real estate appraisers
LR Number:S2953.03I Fiscal Note:2953-03
Committee:Corrections and General Laws
Last Action:02/16/98 - Bill Combined w/SCS/SBs 846 & 847 Journal page:
Title:SCS/SBs 846 & 847
Effective Date:August 28, 1998
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Current Bill Summary

SB 847 - Current law provides for two classes of certified real estate appraisers. These are residential real estate appraiser and general real estate appraiser. This act adds state-licensed real estate appraisers to the list.

The act contains provisions covering license renewal, failure to renew is a specified time and renewal of an expired license.

The act also deletes the thirty hour requirement for continuing education. This requirement will be set by the Appraisal Qualification Board with the approval of the Real Estate Commission.

Various definitions are changed or added to Section 339.503 of this act.

The Real Estate Commission may refuse to issue or renew any certificate or license issued pursuant to sections 339.500 to 339.549 for any cause set out in subsection 2 of section 339.532 of this act.

Violations of the provisions of Sections 339.500 to 339.549 of this act are Class B misdemeanors.