Read 1st time February 4, 1998, and 1,000 copies ordered printed.

TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.



To repeal section 305.230, RSMo 1994, section 144.805, RSMo Supp. 1997, and section 17 as enacted by conference committee substitute for house committee substitute for senate bill no. 1 of the second extraordinary session of the eighty-ninth general assembly, relating to aviation, and to enact in lieu thereof two new sections relating to the same subject.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

Section A.  Section 305.230, RSMo 1994, section 144.805, RSMo Supp. 1997, and section 17 as enacted by conference committee substitute for house committee substitute for senate bill no. 1 of the second extraordinary session of the eighty-ninth general assembly, are repealed and two new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 144.805 and 305.230, to read as follows:

144.805.  1.  In addition to the exemptions granted pursuant to the provisions of section 144.030, there shall also be specifically exempted from the provisions of sections 144.010 to 144.525, sections 144.600 to 144.748, and section 238.235, RSMo, and the provisions of any local sales tax law, as defined in section 32.085, RSMo, and from the computation of the tax levied, assessed or payable pursuant to sections 144.010 to 144.525, sections 144.600 to 144.748, and section 238.235, RSMo, and the provisions of any local sales tax law, as defined in section 32.085, RSMo, all sales of aviation jet fuel in a given calendar year to common carriers engaged in the interstate air transportation of passengers and cargo, and the storage, use and consumption of such aviation jet fuel by such common carriers, if such common carrier has first paid to the state of Missouri, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, state sales and use taxes pursuant to the foregoing provisions and applicable to the purchase, storage, use or consumption of such aviation jet fuel in a maximum and aggregate amount of one million five hundred thousand dollars of state sales and use taxes in such calendar year.

2.  To qualify for the exemption prescribed in subsection 1 of this section, the common carrier shall furnish to the seller a certificate in writing to the effect that an exemption pursuant to this section is applicable to the aviation jet fuel so purchased, stored, used and consumed.  The director of revenue shall permit any such common carrier to enter into a direct pay agreement with the department of revenue, pursuant to which such common carrier may pay directly to the department of revenue any applicable sales and use taxes on such aviation jet fuel up to the maximum aggregate amount of one million five hundred thousand dollars in each calendar year.  The director of revenue shall adopt appropriate rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this section, and to permit appropriate claims for refunds of any excess sales and use taxes collected in calendar year 1993 or any subsequent year with respect to any such common carrier and aviation jet fuel.  

3.  The provisions of this section shall apply to all purchases and deliveries of aviation jet fuel from and after May 10, 1993.

4.  Effective September 1, 1998, all sales and use tax revenues upon aviation jet fuel received pursuant to chapter 144, RSMo, less the amounts specifically designated under the constitution for other purposes, shall be deposited to the credit of the aviation trust fund established pursuant to section 305.230, RSMo.

5.  The provisions of sections 144.805 and 144.807 shall expire on December 31, 2001.  

305.230.  1.  The state highways and transportation commission shall administer an aeronautics program within this state.  The state commission shall encourage, foster and participate with the political subdivisions of this state in the promotion and development of aeronautics.  The state commission may provide financial assistance in the form of grants from funds appropriated for such purpose to any political subdivision or instrumentality of this state acting independently or jointly or to the owner or owners of any privately owned airport designated as a reliever by the Federal Aviation Administration for the planning, acquisition, construction, improvement or maintenance of airports, or for other aeronautical purposes.

2.  Any political subdivision or instrumentality of this state or the owner or owners of any privately owned airport designated as a reliever by the Federal Aviation Administration receiving state funds for the purchase, construction, or improvement, except maintenance, of an airport shall agree before any funds are paid to it to control by ownership or lease the airport for a period equal to the useful life of the project as determined by the state commission following the last payment of state or federal funds to it.  In the event an airport authority ceases to exist for any reason, this obligation shall be carried out by the governing body which created the authority.

3.  Unless otherwise provided, grants to political subdivisions, instrumentalities or to the owner or owners of any privately owned airport designated as a reliever by the Federal Aviation Administration shall be made from the aviation trust fund.  The aviation trust fund is a revolving trust fund exempt from the provisions of section 33.080, RSMo, relating to the transfer of funds to the general revenue funds of the state by the state treasurer.  All interest earned upon the balance in the aviation trust fund shall be deposited to the credit of the same fund.

4.  The moneys in the aviation trust fund shall be administered by the state commission and, when appropriated, shall be used for the following purposes:

(1)  As matching funds on an up to eighty percent state/twenty percent local basis, except in the case where federal funds are being matched, when the ratio of state and local funds used to match the federal funds shall be fifty percent state/fifty percent local:

(a)  For preventive maintenance of runways, taxiways and aircraft parking areas, and for emergency repairs of the same;

(b)  For the acquisition of land for the development and improvement of airports;

(c)  For the earthwork and drainage necessary for the construction, reconstruction or repair of runways, taxiways, and aircraft parking areas;

(d)  For the construction, or restoration of runways, taxiways, or aircraft parking areas;

(e)  For the acquisition of land or easements necessary to satisfy Federal Aviation Administration safety requirements;

(f)  For the identification, marking or removal of natural or manmade obstructions to airport control zone surfaces and safety areas;

(g)  For the installation of runway, taxiway, boundary, ramp, or obstruction lights, together with any work directly related to the electrical equipment;

(h)  For the erection of fencing on or around the perimeter of an airport;

(i)  For purchase, installation or repair of air navigational and landing aid facilities and communication equipment;

(j)  For engineering related to a project funded under the provisions of this section and technical studies or consultation related to aeronautics;

(k)  For airport planning projects including master plans and site selection for development of new airports, for updating or establishing master plans and airport layout plans at existing airports;

(l)  For the purchase, installation, or repair of safety equipment and such other capital improvements and equipment as may be required for the safe and efficient operation of the airport;

(2)  As total funds, with no local match:

(a)  For providing air markers, windsocks, and other items determined to be in the interest of the safety of the general flying public;

(b)  For the printing and distribution of state aeronautical charts and state airport directories on an annual basis, and a newsletter on a quarterly basis or the publishing and distribution of any public interest information deemed necessary by the state commission;

(c)  For the conducting of aviation safety workshops;

(d)  For the promotion of aerospace education;

(3)  As total funds with no local match, up to five hundred thousand dollars per year may be used for the cost of operating existing air traffic control towers that do not receive funding from the federal aviation administration or department of defense.

5.  [The general assembly may appropriate to the aviation trust fund an amount not to exceed five million dollars in each fiscal year for the purposes of this section.  If on January thirty-first of any year, the unobligated balance of the aviation trust fund exceeds five million dollars, no appropriation shall be made for the following fiscal year.]  In the event of a natural or manmade disaster which closes any runway or renders inoperative any electronic or visual landing aid at an airport, any funds appropriated for the purpose of capital improvements or maintenance of airports may be made immediately available for necessary repairs once they are approved by the Missouri department of transportation.  For projects designated as emergencies by the Missouri department of transportation, all requirements relating to normal procurement of engineering and construction services are waived.

6.  As used in this section, the term "instrumentality of the state" shall mean any state educational institution as defined in section 176.010, RSMo or any state agency which owned or operated an airport on January 1, 1997 and continues to own or operate such airport.

[Section 17.  1.  The task force on trade and investment within the department of economic development and the state highways and transportation commission, or its designee within the department of transportation, shall identify those airports that are crucial to the overall economic development of the state, and assist those airports to better promote travel, education, trade and commerce as it relates to the economic development of the state.  Such airports shall include but not be limited to any privately owned airports designated as reliever airports by the Federal Aviation Administration, any airports owned by an instrumentality of the state, including any state agency which owns or operates an airport as of January 1, 1997, or any state educational institution as defined in section 176.010, RSMo.

2.  Those airports identified pursuant to subsection 1 of this section shall be eligible to apply for grants from the aviation trust fund, pursuant to the conditions established in section 305.230, RSMo.]

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