Read 1st time February 24, 1998, and 1,000 copies ordered printed.

TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.



To repeal sections 162.471 and 162.481, RSMo 1994, relating to school boards, and to enact in lieu thereof two new sections relating to the same subject.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

Section A.  Sections 162.471 and 162.481, RSMo 1994, are repealed and two new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 162.471 and 162.481, to read as follows:

162.471.  The government and control of an urban school district is vested in a board of six directors, except that in urban districts containing the greater part of a city of more than three hundred thousand inhabitants the board shall be composed of nine directors.  Each director shall be a voter of the district, who has resided within this state for one year next preceding his election or appointment and who is at least twenty-four years of age.  All directors, except as [herein] otherwise provided in section 162.481, hold their offices for six years and until their successors are duly elected and qualified.  All vacancies occurring in the board shall be filled by appointment by the board as soon as practicable, and the person appointed shall hold his office until the next school board election, when his successor shall be elected for the remainder of the unexpired term.  The power of the board to perform any official duty during the existence of a vacancy continues unimpaired thereby.

162.481.  1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, all elections of school directors in urban districts shall be held biennially at the same times and places as municipal elections.

2.  In any urban district which includes all or the major part of a city which first obtained a population of more than seventy-five thousand inhabitants by reason of the 1960 federal decennial census, elections of directors shall be held on municipal election days of even-numbered years.  The directors of the prior district shall continue as directors of the urban district until their successors are elected as herein provided.  On the first Tuesday in April, 1964, four directors shall be elected, two for terms of two years to succeed the two directors of the prior district who were elected in 1960 and two for terms of six years to succeed the two directors of the prior district who were elected in 1961.  The successors of these directors shall be elected for terms of six years.  On the first Tuesday in April, 1968, two directors shall be elected for terms to commence on November 5, 1968, and to terminate on the first Tuesday in April, 1974, when their successors shall be elected for terms of six years.  No director shall serve more than two consecutive six-year terms after October 13, 1963.

3.  Hereafter when a six-director district becomes an urban district, the directors of the prior six-director district shall continue as directors of the urban district until the expiration of the terms for which they were elected and until their successors are elected as provided in this subsection.  The first biennial school election for directors shall be held in the urban district at the time provided in subsection 1 which is on the date of or subsequent to the expiration of the terms of the directors of the prior district which are first to expire, and directors shall be elected to succeed the directors of the prior district whose terms have expired.  If the terms of two directors only have expired, the directors elected at the first biennial school election in the urban district shall be elected for terms of six years.  If the terms of four directors have expired, two directors shall be elected for terms of six years and two shall be elected for terms of four years.  At the next succeeding biennial election held in the urban district, successors for the remaining directors of the prior six-director district shall be elected.  If only two directors are to be elected they shall be elected for terms of six years each.  If four directors are to be elected, two shall be elected for terms of six years and two shall be elected for terms of two years.  After six directors of the urban district have been elected under this subsection, their successors shall be elected for terms of six years.

4.  In any school district in any city with a population of one hundred thousand or more inhabitants which is located within a county of the first classification that adjoins no other county of the first classification, elections shall be held at the same times and places as municipal elections for all years where one or more terms expire, and the terms shall be for five years and until their successors are duly elected and qualified for all directors elected in the first election after the effective date of this section and, thereafter, shall be for four years and until their successors are duly elected and qualified.  No director shall be elected pursuant to this subsection for more than two consecutive terms.

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