[P E R F E C T E D]
Pre-filed December 1, 1997, and 1,000 copies ordered printed.
Read 2nd time January 12, 1998, and referred to the Committee on Education.
Reported from the Committee February 2, 1998, with recommendation that the bill do pass and be placed on the Consent Calendar.
Taken up February 18, 1998. Read 3rd time and placed upon its final passage; bill passed.
TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.
To repeal sections 21.570 and 162.857, RSMo Supp. 1997, relating to special school districts and vocational education, and to enact in lieu thereof two new sections relating to the same subject, with an emergency clause.
Section A. Sections 21.570 and 162.857, RSMo Supp. 1997, are repealed and two new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 21.570 and 162.857, to read as follows:
21.570. 1. On or before July 1, 1997, or May 30, 1997, whichever later occurs, the senate and the house of representatives shall establish a "Joint Committee on Career and Vocational Education in St. Louis County", composed of five members of the senate, appointed by the president pro tem of the senate, and five members of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house. Not more than three members appointed by the president pro tem and not more than three members appointed by the speaker of the house shall be from the same political party.
2. The committee may meet as necessary and hold hearings and conduct investigations as it deems advisable. The committee shall review and monitor the status of career and vocational education in St. Louis County and make any recommendations the committee deems necessary to the general assembly. The members shall receive no additional compensation, other than reimbursement for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The staff of the committee on legislative research, house research, and senate research shall provide necessary clerical, research, fiscal and legal services to the committee, as the committee may request.
3. This section shall terminate on [December 31, 1999] June 30, 2000.
162.857. 1. The board of education of a special school district with a population of more than one hundred thousand persons shall consist of seven members to be elected as provided in section 162.867. In addition to the duties required of boards of education of special school districts pursuant to sections 162.670 to 162.995, the board shall perform the same duties and is subject to the same liabilities as the board of a seven-director school district, other than an urban district, acting under the general school laws of the state of Missouri, except that those powers and duties specifically reserved to the governing council pursuant to section 162.856 shall remain with the governing council and shall not be granted to the board of education.
2. The board of education of a special school district with a population of more than one hundred thousand persons shall have the power to:
(1) Establish and operate programs for the education of handicapped and severely handicapped children residing in the district subject to rules and regulations of the state board of education and the state department of elementary and secondary education promulgated pursuant to sections 162.670 to 162.995;
(2) Develop and adopt the annual budget for submission and final approval of the governing council;
(3) To authorize all tax levies by two-thirds approval of the board of education prior to submission of the tax levy proposal to the voters of the district as provided by law;
(4) Annually develop and submit to the governing council of the district for approval a five-year plan for the operation and management of the district required pursuant to section 162.856. In developing the plan, the board of education shall solicit a broad range of public input;
(5) Until such time set by the court but no later than June 30, [1998] 2000, establish and operate programs for the vocational education of residents of the district;
(6) Employ teachers and other personnel necessary to provide these programs;
(7) Ensure that there is no coercion or interference with any parent of a pupil of the special school district on account of the parent having exercised any rights under any law affecting the education of the pupil; and
(8) Do such other things as are necessary and incidental to any of the foregoing powers whether set forth in sections 162.670 to 162.995 or in the laws applicable to seven-director school districts, except urban districts.
Section B. Because of the need to maintain continuity of authority for vocational education of pupils in certain special school districts and the need to maintain proper oversight over career and vocational education in certain special school districts, this act is deemed necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, welfare, peace and safety, and is hereby declared to be an emergency act within the meaning of the constitution, and this act shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval.