[P E R F E C T E D]
Read 1st time January 12, 1998, and 1,000 copies ordered printed.
Read 2nd time January 15, 1998, and referred to the Committee on Public Health and Welfare.
Reported from the Committee February 2, 1998, with recommendation that the bill do pass and be placed on the Consent Calendar.
Taken up February 25, 1998. Read 3rd time and placed upon its final passage; bill passed.
TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.
To repeal section 210.030, RSMo 1994, relating to blood tests for pregnant women, and to enact in lieu thereof one new section relating to the same subject.
Section A. Section 210.030, RSMo 1994, is repealed and one new section enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as section 210.030, to read as follows:
210.030. 1. Every licensed physician, midwife, registered nurse and all persons who may undertake, in a professional way, the obstetrical and gynecological care of a pregnant [women] woman in the state of Missouri shall, if the woman consents, take or cause to be taken a sample of venous blood of such woman at the time of the first prenatal examination, or not later than twenty days after the first prenatal examination, and subject such sample to an approved and standard serological test for syphilis, an approved serological test for hepatitis B and such other treatable diseases and metabolic disorders as are prescribed by the department of health [and such person in attendance at the live birth of the child]. If a mother tests positive for hepatitis B, the physician or person who professionally undertakes the pediatric care of a newborn shall also administer the appropriate doses of hepatitis B vaccine and gammaglobulin specific for hepatitis B, or HBIG, within twelve hours of birth to infants born to mothers who are hepatitis B positive. If the results of such test are unknown within twelve hours, the hepatitis B vaccine and gammaglobulin specific for hepatitis B, or HBIG, shall be administered as soon as possible.
2. The department of health shall, in consultation with the Missouri genetic disease advisory committee, make such rules pertaining to [said] such tests as shall be dictated by accepted medical practice, and tests shall be of the types approved by the department of health. An approved and standard test for syphilis, hepatitis B, and other treatable diseases and metabolic disorders shall mean a test made in a laboratory approved by the department of health. [Such tests shall be made free of charge by the department of health on request.] No individual shall be denied testing because of inability to pay.