This bill extends affordable housing activities tax credits to
businesses with approved proposals for participating in the
Workfare Renovation Project. The Missouri Housing Development
Commission (MHDC) is required to use available state resources
to assign staff, either directly or through contract, to oversee
the Workfare Renovation Project in Kansas City and St. Louis.
Staff in St. Louis are required each year to report on the
project's progress to the mayor and the board of aldermen.
Training funds appropriated to the Department of Economic
Development and the Department of Social Services are to be used
to train eligible individuals participating in the project.
MHDC is authorized to administer a revolving fund for the
continued operations of the Workfare Renovation Project and to
submit an annual expenditures report to the State Auditor, the
Speaker of the House, and the President Pro Tem of the Senate.
To the extent possible, the MHDC is to select properties for
renovation which reflect diverse socioeconomic backgrounds in
the renovated neighborhoods. The MHDC with the participating
cities and the Department of Social Services are to consult and
collaborate on funding and implementation issues to help ensure
that project objectives are met.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "do pass by consent" by the Committee
on Social Services, Medicaid and the Elderly by a vote of 16 to
This bill authorizes participants in the Workfare Renovation
Project to qualify for affordable housing tax credits under the
existing Neighborhood Assistance Act. The bill also requires
the mayor in St. Louis, with the approval of the board of
aldermen, to appoint an executive director to oversee the city's
project, and authorizes Kansas City to appoint an executive
director to oversee the Workfare Renovation Project in Kansas
FISCAL NOTE: No impact on state funds.
PROPONENTS: Supporters say that this bill provides a mechanism
to implement the provisions of the Workfare Renovation Project
legislation passed in 1997.
Testifying for the bill was Representative Ford.
OPPONENTS: There was no opposition voiced to the committee.
Debra Cheshier, Senior Legislative Analyst
HB 1052 -- Workfare Renovation Project
Sponsor: Ford
This bill authorizes participants in the Workfare Renovation
Project to qualify for affordable housing tax credits under the
existing Neighborhood Assistance Act. This bill also requires
the mayor in St. Louis, with the approval of the board of
aldermen, to appoint an executive director to oversee the city's
project, and authorizes Kansas City to appoint an executive
director to oversee the Workfare Renovation Project in Kansas

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Last Updated November 10, 1998 at 3:28 pm