Under current law, violation of zoning regulations may be
punished by a fine of not more than $100 for each day the
violation continues or, if the violation is willful, the fine is
not less than $100 but not more than $250 or by imprisonment for
10 days for each day the violation continues or by both fine and
imprisonment. This bill increases the maximum fine for a
violation to $250 or at the discretion of the court by
imprisonment for 10 days for each day the violation continues or
by fine and imprisonment and increases the maximum fine for a
second violation from $250 to $500.
Kansas City is allowed to impose on violation of zoning
regulations a fine of no less than $10 and no more than $250 per
day. If the offense is willful, the penalty will be a fine of
not less than $100 or more than $500 or by imprisonment for 10
days for each day the violation continues or by both fine and
The bill allows the city council in third class cities to
purchase or condemn land for the purpose of police and fire
St. Louis County is allowed to adopt fireworks regulations that
are stricter than municipal ordinances, rules, and regulations.
These regulations will supersede those adopted by the
The term "contiguous and compact" is clarified as it relates to
voluntary annexation creating an island of unincorporated area
within a city, town, or village. Voluntary annexation is not
prohibited if the unincorporated island is given the opportunity
to voluntarily annex into the city, town, or village.
The bill also allows any municipality by ordinance to impose a
semiannual fee not to exceed $200 on owners of residential
property or commercial housing property if the property is
vacant, has been vacant for 6 months, and is violating housing
code. A municipal officer will determine if property is subject
to the fee. The clerk of the municipality will notify the owner
of the property of the fee. The owner of the property may
appeal or improve the property within 30 days; if improved the
owner may ask for reinspection. If the fee is still imposed,
the owner may still appeal. Delinquent fees become a lien upon
the property.
HB 1352 -- Planning and Zoning
Co-Sponsors: Rizzo, Hoppe
Under current law, violation of zoning regulations may be
punished by a fine of not more than $100 for each day the
violation continues or if the violation is willful the fine is
not less than $100 but not more than $250 or by imprisonment for
10 days for each day the violation continues or by both fine and
imprisonment. This bill increases the minimum fine to not more
than $500 per day or at the discretion of the court by
imprisonment for 10 days for each day the violation continues or
by fine and imprisonment. For the second and subsequent offense
involving the same violation at the same building the penalty
will be a fine of not less than $250 or more than $1,000 or by
imprisonment for 10 days for each day the violation continues or
by both fine and imprisonment.

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Last Updated November 10, 1998 at 3:34 pm