Missouri Senate
Member Information

Senator Michael J. (Mike) Lybyer
District 16

Capitol Address: State Capitol Building Home Address: 12743 Highway 38
Room 333 Huggins, Missouri 65484
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101
Capitol Phone: (573) 751-2601 Office Staff: Mary Lois Slanker
Capitol Fax: (573) 751-2745 Joe Martin

Elected to the Senate: 1982 - 1994
Party: Democrat
Area Represented: Counties of Callway, Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Osage, Phelps and Texas
Committees: Agriculture, Conservation, Parks and Tourism
Appropriations, Chairman
Gubernatorial Appointments
State Budget Control

Member Biography | 1998 Legislation Sponsored by Senator Lybyer

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