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SCS/SB 628 - This act pertains to Enhanced 911 (E911) telecommunications service provided by wireless (cellular) service providers.
The act establishes the Wireless Service Provider Enhanced 911 Advisory Board. The Board shall consist of eight persons: the Director of the Department of Public safety or his designee, the Chairman of the Public Service Commission or his designee, three representatives of wireless telecommunications service providers selected by majority vote of licensed wireless telecommunications service providers and three representatives of Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) organizations elected by the members of the state chapter of Associated Public Safety Communications Officials and the state chapter of the National Emergency Numbering Association. The Board shall address implementation of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Order 94-102 regarding implementation of E911 service, advise the Office of Administration on implementation of that Order and provide mediation, upon request, for jurisdictional disputes among political subdivisions providing wireless (cellular) 911 service.
The act establishes the Wireless Service Provider enhanced 911 Service Fund. Fees collected pursuant to the act by wireless service providers shall be credited to the fund. Wireless providers may keep one percent of the fee for collection costs.
The act authorizes the Office of Administration to establish a fee, if approved by voters, of fifty cents per month upon every wireless telephone number in the state. The Office shall distribute the funds to wireless service providers and PSAPs to implement and operate the Enhanced 911 system. Funds shall be provided, if available, to PSAPs for equipment and 10% of those funds to PSAPs shall be distributed in equal amounts to each PSAP participating in enhanced 911 service.
Proprietary information submitted by wireless providers under this act shall not be released without permission from the provider. General information may only be released in an aggregated form.
Wireless providers shall not be civilly or criminally liable for any act related to providing E911 service unless the act constitutes gross negligence, recklessness or intentional misconduct.
A ballot measure shall be placed before the voters of the state for approval of a fee of up to fifty cents per month upon all wireless telephone numbers in the state. The issue shall be submitted upon the November 1998 general election ballot or at a special election called for that purpose by the Governor. If approved by voters, the fee shall take effect January 1, 1999 or on the first day of the first month beginning at least thirty days after the approval of the ballot issue.
The act contains an emergency clause.