- Introduced -
SB 534- This act specifies which categories of documents in the custody of the State Auditor are considered open and closed records.
Records that shall be closed are:
1. Information relating to a government employee's personal misconduct, gross mismanagement or illegal activity if the information cannot be corroborated or is not relied upon in preparing the final report;
2. Records and audit workpapers disclosing the identity of a government whistleblower if the person requested that his or her identity be protected; and
3. Records or drafts circulated to non-government employees prior to release of the final audit report.
Except as provided in categories 1 and 2, all documents and workpapers shall be open records pursuant to Chapter 610, RSMo, once the audit report is released.
Nothing in this act should be construed to prohibit disclosure of records of illegal activity to prosecutors or peace officers.