- Introduced -
SB 577 - This act regulates unsolicited telephone sales calls, as defined in the act.
Telephone solicitors making unsolicited calls shall identify themselves, the business they represent and the purpose of the call.
Telephone solicitors shall immediately hang up if the person being solicited gives a negative response to the solicitation and shall hang up within five seconds of termination of the call by the person called.
A telephone solicitor shall not block his telephone number from a caller identification service when that number is being used for telemarketing purposes, provided that the equipment and service capability exists to display the number.
A telephone solicitor shall not send information by fax or computer to a consumer after the consumer requests that such transmissions cease.
Local telecommunications companies shall not be responsible for the enforcement of this act.
Any violation of this act shall constitute an unlawful (merchandising) practice pursuant to Section 407.020, RSMo and shall be a Class D felony.
This act contains penalty provisions.