- Introduced -

SB 602 - This act relates to initiative petitions. This act establishes a means of providing public notice of initiative petitions filed, establishes a public notice and comment period for initiative petitions, and allows legal challenges to the petition form.

More specifically, this act establishes a means of providing notice, regarding initiative petitions filed, to designated public officials and agencies and to individuals upon request. Such notice also would be published in the Missouri Register and on the Secretary of State's World Wide Website. Notice would be made at the time of the filing of the petition, and at certification of the Official Ballot Title. Such notice also would include a statement indicating the right to provide comments under a public notice and comment process.

This act also establishes a public notice and comment period for petitions extending from the date the petition is filed until 30 days after publication of the Official Ballot Title in the Missouri Register. Comments would be published in the Missouri Register, on the Secretary of State's World Wide Website, and be made available to designated public officials and individuals upon request.

This act also allows citizens to challenge the petition form at the same time that the Official Ballot Title and Fiscal Note may be challenged (10 days after certification of the Official Ballot Title).