- Introduced -

SB 660 - Law enforcement officers, conservation agents, capitol police, state park rangers and state water patrol agents in fresh pursuit of a suspected felon, or of a person for whom a felony warrant has been issued, shall have the authority to arrest and hold the person anywhere in the state. References in current law to arrest powers regarding commission or attempt to commit a crime or municipal or county violation in the presence of such officers and agents, have been deleted. Also deleted is authority to issue traffic ticket as if violated had been apprehended in the municipality or county of the offense.

Public agencies electing to institute vehicular pursuits shall adopt a written policy, with minimum standard of written procedures and guidelines. Such public agencies shall also maintain systems to collect information on pursuit driving. Systems shall be written by the Department of Public Safety and promulgated by rule. The policies shall be reviewed and updated every two years. Actual drivers' training for pursuit situations and classroom training shall be given. Officers shall give written justification for each fresh pursuit undertaken, which shall be evaluated by a supervisor.