- Introduced -
SB 721 - This act concerns registration of certain offenders, and makes the following changes to current law:
Section 566.617 - Repealed (other provisions in Chapter 566 regarding registration were repealed last session).
Section 589.400 - Requires persons who receive a suspended imposition of sentence and persons found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect to any of the listed crimes to register. For certain enumerated crimes such as kidnapping, incest and promoting prostitution, the convicted person must register if the victim was less than seventeen years of age.
Section 589.407 - The registration form shall include whether the person was sentenced as a persistent or predatory offender, and a brief description of the crime.
Section 589.410 - Repeals the provision that the chief law enforcement official shall release information in the registration statement made by an offender found to be a predatory sexual offender.
Section 589.414 - A registrants who changes address within the same county is required to inform chief law enforcement official in writing of the new address and phone number within fourteen days. If a person moves to a new county, both the chief law enforcement officials of the old and new counties must be so notified. Any registrant who changes his/her name must inform the chief law enforcement official within seven days. Predatory or persistent offenders, registrants for crimes having a victim of less than eighteen years of age, and persons who have pled or been found guilty of violating registration requirements must contact the county law enforcement agencies every ninety days to verify the information contained in their statements.
Section 589.417 - The complete statements are not public record. The chief law enforcement official of the county shall maintain a list of names and addresses of registrants, crimes for which they are registered, and brief descriptions of the crimes and photographs of the offenders. Any person may request the list, and any newspaper of general circulation in the county may publish the list as a public notice.
Section 589.425 - Any person required to register who includes false information in his statement, fails to register or fails to timely verify registration information when so required is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. A person who commits a second or subsequent violation is guilty of a Class D felony.