- Introduced -
SB 743 - This act makes various changes to Sections 44.010 through 44.130 relating to the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA).
Revisions are made to the definition section that change the terminology regarding civil disasters and civil defense. Such areas are now referred to as emergencies and related emergency management functions.
SEMA is named as the Governor's official designee to act in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. The Adjutant General will act as the executive head of SEMA. The agency's authority is now described as assisting in coordination of activities related to emergency functions through coordination of response, recovery, planning and mitigation. SEMA is additionally named as the state coordinator for the National Flood Insurance Program.
The Governor's general powers in this area are: (1) to execute orders and rules related to emergencies; (2) to direct the cooperation of the various areas of the state in the performance of emergency functions; (3) to enter into mutual aid agreements with other states and various areas of this state; (4) to delegate the governor's authority; (5) to cooperate with federal officials; and (6) to create committees of volunteers and agencies to deal with emergency matters.
Broad powers are granted to the Governor to respond to emergencies declared by the Governor or legislature. Upon such declaration, the Governor shall have control over all necessary property and services within the state. The Governor is also authorized to suspend rules and agency operations as necessary to properly react to the emergency.
The Missouri Disaster Fund is reauthorized to expend funds during a state emergency for delineated items. Significant changes to the line items include allowing expenditures for the duration of response and recovery, and repairing and restoring all public infrastructure. Previously authorized expenditures for restoring means of communication have been removed. Any expenditure in excess of $1,000 must have the Governor's prior authorization.
Political subdivisions are required to establish local emergency response organizations and coordinators. Local organizations are required to enforce the regulations of the Governor and are prohibited from engaging in political activity. Subject to the Governor's approval, political subdivisions may also enter into mutual aid agreements.
Other changes allow SEMA to utilize volunteers and remove references to response in the event of enemy attack.