- Introduced -

SB 883 - This act contains provisions for accountability for the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission and the Department of Transportation.

JOINT COMMITTEE - The act establishes a Joint Committee on Transportation Oversight, composed of 5 Senators, 5 Representatives and 3 ex officio members (Auditor, Director of Oversight, Commissioner of Administration). The Joint Committee shall review the annual report from the Department of Transportation and may make recommendations.

REPORT - The Department of Transportation is required to submit a detailed report by October 15th each year to the Governor and General Assembly. The report shall include the following: (1) sources and expenditure of all funds; (2) the criteria used to select construction projects; (3) the allocation of money and the proposed work plan for the current year and next 5 years; (4) the amounts planned, estimated and expended by project for construction work; (5) the status of the 15 Year Highway and Bridge Program; (6) the reasons for any significant increases or decreases in highway and bridge construction costs; (7) any recommendations; (8) explanation of any material changes from the previous year; and (9) any other information requested by the new joint committee.

DIRECTOR - The Highways and Transportation Commission shall appoint a Director of the Department of Transportation who need not be an engineer. The Director is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate and shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission. The Director will oversee the other chief officers and shall provide a quarterly version of the above report to the Commission.

ENGINEERS - The Chief Engineer shall approve all engineering documents and shall have oversight of the construction and maintenance work for the Department of Transportation. Civil engineers in the Department shall be citizens of the state and registered in the state.