- Introduced -
SB 907 - This act requires the Department of Social Services to set up the Missouri Children's Health Insurance Program upon approval by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Department will enter into contracts with at least two insurers and at least two HMOs that offer a children's health plan.
The state will pay for the child's private health insurance coverage provided that the insurer offers a health plan to low income children without regard to health status or preexisting conditions. Qualified children's health plans shall at a minimum contain coverage equivalent to either:
(a) The standard health services corporation preferred provider option under the Federal Employees Health Benefit Plan (Blue Cross/Blue Shield); or
(b) A health benefits coverage plan generally available to state employees; or
(c) A health insurance package offered by the HMO organization that has the largest insured commercial, non-medicaid enrollment in Missouri; or
(d) a health insurance coverage that has been approved by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Premiums, deductibles, and cost-sharing amounts for children whose family income is below 150% of the federal poverty level shall not exceed the monthly charge permitted under Title XIX of the Social Security Act (Medicaid). Children whose family income is greater than 150% shall have deductibles, premiums, and other cost-sharing amounts imposed on a sliding scale. However, total cost-sharing for low-income families shall not exceed 5% of such family's income for the year involved.
Eligible children shall be allowed to change enrollment between participating insurers upon an annual coverage renewal date.