- Introduced -

SB 968 - ACADEMICALLY DEFICIENT SCHOOLS - The act provides that in districts whose graduation rate is below 65%, the school board may determine which schools in the district are academically deficient, based upon its own criteria. The bill also adds provisions regarding the review, reconstitution and reform of such schools.

PRINCIPAL TENURE - Principal tenure in metropolitan school districts (St. Louis City) is eliminated.

NONCERTIFICATED PERSONNEL - Metropolitan school districts (St. Louis City) may hire noncertificated individuals as instructional personnel provided that no more than 20% of the teaching positions are filled by noncertificated personnel.

GRANTS FOR SCHOOL REFORM- This section establishes an Urban Teachers Recruitment and Training Incentive Program providing grants to colleges and universities that implement a program aimed at preparing and encouraging students pursuing teaching careers to enter teaching positions in school districts in the urban areas of the state.