- Introduced -

SB 969 - VOLUNTARY INTERDISTRICT TRANSFER PROGRAM - The act continues the voluntary interdistrict transfer program in St. Louis City and County with adjustments using zoning techniques. The act provides that the district where a student attends school will count such student as an eligible pupil under the state funding formula. The St. Louis City district will receive one-half of its state aid for each student attending school in another district. The county districts will also receive an incentive payment which guarantees that the district receives the county district's cost of education for students residing in the city and attending county schools. The act adds a provision specifically allowing for the continuation of magnet schools in the city, and providing that for those students attending magnet schools, the city will receive additional state aid in an amount equal to any costs of educating such students above the district's average per pupil expenditure for up to 16,000 students. The act authorizes aid for capital improvements to accommodate students returning to the city schools.

SCHOOL FINANCE DEFINITIONS- The definition of "eligible pupil" is revised to be based solely on membership and not on average daily attendance, as in current law.

STATE SCHOOL AID - The amount a school district receives from fines, forfeitures, escheats, payments-in-lieu-of-tax and state-assessed railroad and utility taxes shall not be deducted from the district's state aid entitlement. The Line 14 at-risk categorical shall be weighted at 100%, not 20% as per current law, providing about $3200 per free and reduced eligible pupil (rather than the current $640). A categorical add-on is included based on 50% of the number of qualified aid to dependent children recipients.