- Perfected -

SB 780 - This act makes many general revisions to school laws. Twenty-seven sections are revised with primarily technical changes and thirty-nine sections are repealed. The sections affected generally contain detailed requirements pertaining to the establishment and operation of schools and school districts.


160.522 - Districts shall not be required to report test scores by race or ethnic group.

162.261 - If there are more than three vacancies on a seven-director board, the vacancies shall be filled by the county commission, rather than the remaining members of the board.

162.321 - Removes detailed notice requirements concerning change of district name.

162.371 - Removes requirement for board secretary to issue certificates of election to newly-elected board members.

162.391 - Board members may not hold paid position with the school district. The act applies the same language to all seven-director districts.

162.411 - All school boards may employ attorney on retainer basis if needed.

163.011 - "Operating levy" is redefined to allow districts making no lease purchase payments and no part of the 18 cents plus 6 cents of operating fund transfers for capital under 165.011 to include up to eighteen cents of the debt service or capital projects fund levy as part of the operating levy and generate additional state aid. Of this eighteen cents, any amount over ten cents must have been approved by the voters after August 28, 1993. (Same as SCS/SB 502)

163.021 - For 1998 and thereafter, a district's operating levy shall include no more than ten cents of the (up to eighteen cents of) debt service or capital projects levy included in the operating levy under section 163.011 for the purpose of complying with the $2.75 minimum levy requirement. (Same as SCS/SB 502)

164.161 - School district debt may not exceed the maximum percentage authorized pursuant to the Constitution. Current law limits debt to ten percent of the district's assessed valuation.

164.221 - Redeemed bonds of school districts may be destroyed by the financial institution acting as the paying agent.

165.011 - State aid based upon any part of the debt service or capital projects fund levy shall be placed to the credit of that fund. (Same as SCS/SB 502)

165.031 - The act removes some technical requirements concerning issued of duplicate checks for lost or destroyed checks.

165.221 - The act removes technical requirements regarding the division of school funds for bids by financial institutions seeking deposit of such funds.

167.161 - The act removes the requirements for prior hearing and notice for suspension of pupils with felony violations.

167.191 - A teacher or principal may require a child to be examined and may exclude children with contagious diseases from attending school.

167.211 - The act removes restrictions on the price of school lunch. Current law provides that lunch may not be sold under cost, with certain exceptions.

167.251 - The act removes the requirement that all school bus drivers shall give a performance bond. Capital expenses for transportation shall be made from the capital projects fund, not the operating funds.

167.260 - To be eligible for programs for developmentally delayed and at-risk three- and four-year-olds, a child shall be at least three years of age on August first.

167.268 - No student shall be promoted to the next grade if the student is more than one grade level behind in reading unless a learning disability or physical disability prevents compliance.

167.275 - Dropouts to be reported to state literacy hotline. Establishes a public school pupil attendance and dropout reporting system. The system shall terminate after two years. -

168.181 - The act removes restrictions of hiring of clerical help and telephone service.

168.201 - Superintendent's contracts (except in St. Louis City) may be for a term of up to three years.

168.211 - The act removes the requirement that the superintendent for St. Louis City school district shall post a bond of no less than $50,000.

168.221 - The act removes tenure as a principal for principals in St. Louis City school district.

171.031 - The school starting date section is included, but no substantive change is made to this section.

171.181 - Makes technical revisions to the prohibition on school board members and employees selling or providing commodities to the school district.

177.011 - The act removes restrictions on the leasing or renting of school buildings.

177.031 - The act removes detailed requirements regarding the provision of school equipment.

177.073 - Districts may purchase sites and facilities in another district with the approval of both school boards. Properties outside the school district may not be leased. Sale, purchase and lease of property may be made upon a vote of the majority of the board.

177.086 - Bidding requirements for construction of facilities may be waived in an emergency.

177.161 - Bidding requirements for construction of facilities in St. Louis City school district may be waived in an emergency. The minimum project amount requiring a bid is raised to $12,500.

178.290 - The act removes the petition requirement for establishment of night schools in urban districts.


161.102 - State Board to adopt rules concerning courses in physical education and provide manual-procedure.

161.205 - Legislative summary of changes in juvenile law, distribution, announcement, when required.

162.152 - Section of district reorganization created-duties.

162.171 - Reorganization plans may be proposed.

162.181 - Reorganization, procedure.

162.191 - Election in proposed district.

162.201 - Certification of election results.

162.501 - Secretary to issue certificates of election.

162.631 - Jurisdiction of circuit court over board-how exercised.

165.091 - School money, how disbursed.

165.111 - Financial report published, annually, when-state aid not to be paid until report received, penalty-audit summary published, when.

166.151 - Petition to distribute county school fund.

167.091 - Truant or parental schools, establishment-attendance may be compelled-neglected children, attendance-support payments.

167.101 - Certain persons may administer oaths and take affidavits-issuance of certificates.

167.141 - Amount deductible from per pupil cost in computing tuition to be added to apportionment of district of residence, when.

167.221 - Lunch programs in urban districts-managers and assistants, designation, duties-deposit and withdrawal of funds.

167.268 - Policy for reading intervention plans, grades kindergarten through three-contents-state board to develop guidelines-individual reading intervention plan to be developed.

167.278 - Chief school officers to provide information on postsecondary financial assistance.

167.308 - District shall not require nor prohibit personnel to participate in program.

167.330 - Classes-number of students-offered, when.

168.171 - Supervisor of physical education, supervisor of health and school nurses may be employed in certain districts.

168.191 - Superintendent of schools, employment of authorized (first class charter counties).

170.031 - Physiology texts to contain chapter on dental hygiene-penalty.

170.041 - Physical education supplies and equipment-certain district may raise funds for.

170.057 - Incidental fund moneys may be used for books, supplies and educational television.

171.051 - School holidays.

171.141 - Fraternities and sororities may be barred-enforcement.

177.051 - Conveyance of property to public institution of higher education.

177.091 - Elementary and high schools, establishment-acquisition of additional grounds-sale of property.

177.101 - Public parks and playgrounds, six-director board may establish.

177.131 - Establishment of elementary and high schools.

177.171 - Contracts for furnishing school supplies-bids required when.

178.300 - Part-time schools established, when.

178.310 - State board to establish standards.

178.320 - Federal funds available, when.

178.330 - Attendance counted as part of employment time.

178.340 - State and local boards of education to administer law.

178.350 - District may be excused from maintaining part-time school.

178.360 - Annual report of state board.